Ncert class 12 english elective ch-3 poem summary by blake | William Blake | THE DIVINE IMAGE | THE HUMAN ABSTRACT

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POEM BY BLAKE -William Blake ( 1757-1827.)


William Blake was a famous and great poet of English literature.
(I)In the poem -  " The Divine mage ' , the renowned poet William Blake ha William Blake was a famous and great poet of English literature , recited the magnificence of human qualities known or addressed as mercy , pi casteism , regionalism , Nationalism and even beyond from discrimination any peace and love in this poem . He advocates these qualities beyond the reach types at the levels of mind and the emotions . He states a man equipped wi these qualities is God himself in human form .
Ncert class 12 english elective ch-3 poem summary by blake | William Blake | THE DIVINE IMAGE | THE HUMAN ABSTRACT
Ncert class 12 english elective ch-3 poem summary by blake | William Blake | THE DIVINE IMAGE | THE HUMAN ABSTRACT 

II . The poem -  the Human Abstract is the another poem of William Blake the renowned poet . In this poem , he highlights human abstract viz . a state of human tendency in which virtues of humanity like pity , mercy etc. are left aside and not brought to conation or use in behaviour . He says categorically tha had these virtues practised in real life situations by all people , there would have left no poor to pity and no miscreant to make subject of mercy . He tells poverty as the main factor for genesis of offences .



It is return of investment made by four virtues as capital , spontaneous and not anyway artificial manner ; that rescues the man in his distress . These are mercy , pity , peace and love shown for entire ecosystem consisting of all active and inert , living and non living things . He wants to state that all activities done under these stimulants of emotional personality , come and withstand the human distresses or adversities . The poet introduces here there virtues duly personified . He states that the term " pray " a verb is actually composed of call for mercy pity , peace and love . He says God himself dwells where these four virtues enter in conation of the man .


The poet says that revelation of pity and mercy is required or heard about , only when nobody in the society remains poor i.e. if equitable distribution of wealth is assumed of . Similarly , in case ; all people are happy with the system and manners , there would no need of revelation of mercy viz . no offences shall as oppression and repression tactics , do no good but give birth to be committed . He says that mutual fear brings temporary or superficial peace forgery , fraud , collusion for their subsequent explosion or sudden burst . conspiracy Humility when crushed , is seen , taking reversion in subversive activities . From here , the tree of mystery starts bearing the fruit of deceit and conceits . He says that tree of mystery ( viz . collusion , conspiracy , pry , espionage , forgery , enbezzlement , misappropriation ) is not rooted in the human nature but , these are circumstances in which equal distribution of income and wealth , Doctrine of peaceful co - existence , the principle of natural justice etc. are dodged or violated .

कविता का सारां


यह चार सद्गुणों द्वारा पूँजी के रूप में निवेश का कृत्रिम नहीं , बल्कि स्वाभाविक प्रतिफ जो मनुष्य को उसको विपत्ति में मिलता है । ये गुण हैं - दया , करुणा , शान्ति और प्रेम जो सम्पूर्ण सृष्टि के सक्रिय निष्क्रिय तथा सजीव - निर्जीव वस्तुओं के प्रति दिखाया जाता है । वह कहना चाहता है कि भावनात्मक व्यक्तित्व के उत्तेजक पदार्थ के अधीन किये गये क्रिया - कलाप मनुष्य की विपत्तियों और विषम परिस्थितियों को आकर रोकते हैं । कवि इन सद्गुणों का उचित व्यक्तिकरण करता है । वह कहता है कि ' pray ' शब्द जो एक क्रिया है , को वास्तव में दया , करुणा , शान्ति एवं प्रेम के लिए रचित है । वह कहता है कि जहाँ ये चार सद्गुण किसी मनुष्य में प्रवेश करते हैं वहाँ परमात्मा निवास करते हैं ।


कवि कहता है कि दैवी दया और करुणा की तब आवश्यकता होती है या सुनी जाती है । जब समाज में कोई व्यक्ति गरीब नहीं रहता है यानि धन के समान वितरण की कल्पना की जाती है । उसी प्रकार , यदि सभी लोग व्यवस्था और तौर - तरीके से खुश हैं तो ईश्वरीय दया की कोई जरूरत नहीं है । यानि कोई अपराध नहीं किया जाएगा । वह कहता है कि पारस्परिक भय क्षणिक , या बाह्य शान्ति लाता है । चूँकि उत्पीड़न और दबाव की युक्ति कोई भला नहीं करती बल्कि उनके आगामी विस्फोट या अचानक धमाके के लिए षडयंत्र , जालसासी , फरेब तथा दलबंदी को जन्म देती है । विनम्रता को जब कुचला जाता है तो उसे ध्वंसात्मक क्रिया - कलाप का रूप लेते वह कहता है कि प्रछन्नता के वृक्ष ( यानि दलबंदी , षड़यंत्र , जासूसी , जासूस रखने की विधि , खा जाता है । यहाँ से प्रछन्नता के वृक्ष में छल - कपट और अहंकार के फल लगने लगते हैं । - बालसाजी , संपत्ति का अपहरण , गवन ) की जड़ मनुष्य के स्वभाव में नहीं है , बल्कि विभिन्न = परिस्थितिवश धन और आय का समान वितरण शान्तिपूर्ण सह - अस्तित्व के सिद्धान्त , प्राकृतिक याय आदि को उनसे दूर रखा जाता है या उनका उल्लंघन किया जाता है ।

Word meaning

Thankfulness = आशीष , अभयदान , Clime = I. Distress = जलवायु , Human form divine = देवी मनुष्य , अवतार , Heathen = नास्तिक , रहस्यवाद , WORD MEANINGS lurk = इस्लाम पंथ । Holy fears = ईश्वर का भय , Ground = आधार , भूमि , Humility = विनीत , अभिवृत्ति , I. Selfish love = छलयुक्त प्रेम निष्क्रिय प्रेमभाव , Mutual fear = घृणा , ईर्ष्या , द्वेष , उल्टी दिशा से , Caterpillar and fly = षड्यंत्र , प्रतिशोध जैसे Underneath his foot = 1 , Raven H षड्यंत्र और धोखे को कार्य रूप देनेवाला बल ।



Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow
To Mercy , Pity , Peace , and Love All pray in their distress ;  And to these virtues of delight Return their thankfulness. 
Questions :
( i ) Why do people pray to mercy in distress ?  ( ii ) What is the distinction between mercy and pity ? 
( iii ) What is the nexus between love and peace ? 
( iv ) What does the word thankfulness refer to ? 

(i) It is because distress cannot be tackled by individual alone.  It cripp the man to face upon him. 
( ii ) Pity is stimulant while mercy is realised from the action done unde influence of pity i.e.  stimulant.  Cognition and conceive of pity get the mercif act done by its subject ( i.e. man concerned ) .  For an instance , a feeling an expression of sympathy or compassion as also empathy ( viz. feeling of equine for all organization of nature and an urge to assist them in their distress is p while extending a hand in forgiveness for the offender or miscreant inspite vested .
(iii) Love is a spark that unites all units of ecosystem active and inner living and non - living or in other words, a stimulant while peace is manifestation of love or end product.  state that love is like cognition and peace is l conation with due manifestation.
( iv ) The word thankfulness refers to savoring / receiving efforts or th manifested part of the virtues / qualities precedent to this term . 

Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow
For Mercy , Pity , Peace , Love Is God our father dear , And Mercy , Pity , Peace , and Love
Is Man his child and care

Questions :

(I) How is God our dear father?
( ii) How is  mercy a man ? 
( iii ) How is pity a child of the man ? 
( iv ) How are peace and love a child 's care ? 

(i ) God is our dear father because His grace and care , we realise everywhere.  d for all without any bias. 
( ii ) It is man endowed with discretion and true realization / cognition ence , he can only forgive the miscreants to whom ;  he is capable to punish for eir offense committed. 
(iii) As the child stimulates the man to act something that favors) propitiates the pity does.  It is pity that stimulates a man to forgive even the offender nd thus, mercy comes in existence.  It's a spirit to help the needy. 
(iv) " Care " or protection , we all receive from our parent and teachers because they love us and teach us discipline so that we may pass our life in eace. 


Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow
For Mercy has a human heart , Pity a human face , And Love , the human form divine , And Peace , the human dress .

Questions :
( i ) Which figure of speech has been used in this stanza ? 
( ii ) How does pity resemble to or understand as human face ? 
(iii) How is love a symbol of humanity? 
( iv ) Why does the poet say peace as human dress ? 

(i) It's personification of inner instincts as all visible forms of human body.
(ii) It's face at which the inner feelings are first appeared. 
(iii) The love brings in unity, sense of co-existence, gregarious instincts d keeps the man ready to serve others.  It gives ever broad horizon to human blime acts.  z peace is seen in a family or nation when its member / citizens are suave,
(iv) As peace covers in itself, a number of good qualities of human heart ober, kind, compassionate, co-operative, philanthropic;  benevolent and lerant.  The manifestations of these virtues / qualities is seen as a family or ation living in peace.


1. What do you understand by the term " Pray " ? 
Ans.  It's catharsis i.e.  positive side of emotional outburst.  Likewise.  outburst tends to intuition or insight of which , the foresight is my shadow .  Actually , intuition acts like a judge to rein the arbitrariness , despotism of execution ( the physique , the body ) and its apparatus , devices , shovels spades , manufacturing , intending for manning ( ie legislative alias intellectual or mental aspect of health .  , emotional aspect of health occupies two - third fraction ie major ; while physical and mental combinedly ; share its one - third part only hence , it is minor.  action or when the event actually takes place.

Q.2. What is mercy?
Ans. The merfcy is an apparatus or device of well trained emotional aspect of health that gives a chance to miscreant for self - introspection to see if the act done by  him was good. For an instance, a professor in a college, in a meeting, Decame furious and stamped the chairman at his chest with toe. Here no doubt, e is physically hurt and a violent reaction is expected in  this circumstance.  He as power enough to expel him from college or dismiss his services to institution nd even he can resort to law to ensure his rigorous punishment.  However, if the chairman is well trained on emotional aspect of health, he would introspect where was wrong in the minutes of that meeting, so severe s it caused emotional collapse within a scholar (Guru).  He should apologise and think not bad as Lord Vih » u was also hurt the same way by Bhagu , a learned age.  In that way of thinking , it would definitely bring and store , more reputation his Chair .  Henry Ward Beecher has truly stated- " God pardons like a mother , -ho kisses the offense into everlasting forgetfulness ".

Q.3 .  Discuss pity as a stimulant to noble - deeds ?

Ans .  Pity is the sentiment part of sympathy and compassion.  Sympathy is En emotion that acts with the mechanism of empathy.  The act so done is called  stimulated by pity.  Instinct of gregariousness is the container of this delicate.

Q. 4. How is love a human form divine? 

Ans.  Love is always ready for sacrifice at the altar of noble deeds vi deeds that do common good for society as a whole.  The deeds perfo under serene love instinct , never ask for or expect any return or gain from It is selfless spirit of the lovers like God , who , even removes for ever criminal or offensive instinct , not by lashing harsh punishment but by s come kisses.  It calls back the miscreants for self - review on the acts wrongly c by them and thus , access to self - realization i.e.  precedent notion for each work !  project assignment.  Thus, they all feel change of heart.  It's phenomenon of love that makes possible, conversion of a dema deity.  Human nature sublime is a compound of sympathy, empathy, cooper coordination, harmony and fortitude and so sublime nature is synonym to himself.  Hence , love leads a man to divine form by his noble - deeds . 

Q. 5.  What does the title " The Human Abstract " refer to ? 

Ans.  The Human Abstract refers to the vices hidden in all invis the emotional aspect of human personality .  These are found in the form conspiracy , conceit , deceit , mala - fides , malevolence etc.  These are form the state of chaos and lawlessness environment in politics, administrationa in the lack of benevolent and ideal pattern of education. 

Q6. What are the conditions that bring in poverty ? 

Ans.  There are different conditions that bring poverty .  These conditic are as under.  Despotic rule , revelation of dishonour to natural justice an inchoate system of education in which physical and mental growth development is given heed while emotional aspect of health is neglected ignored .  An increase in population beyond available natural resources , a s of unemployment and social prejudices , stereotypes and evils are some o major factors that bring in poverty . 

Q.7 .  Imagine the peace manifested in an environment of mutual fears?

Ans.  It's like cold war and period of anxiety and enmity at the leve emotions .  The fire of protest kindles inside mind and brain is engaged w seeking chances for avenge or retaliation .  Such peace at surface has a short and it brings in inutincy , protest , murder , revolution , terrorism and militan any time and thus , it is manifested in massacre , arson , assassination subversive scene . 

Q. 8. Is conspiracy an act of bravery? 

Ans.  No , instead , it is cowardish , hatred , heinous and subversive activ This instrument is used only by the meek and cowards .  People of this tenden are the most dangerous insect to the society as a whole.  These spread fe apprehensions and these are like a scar upon humanity.  A meek or submissi nature initially, compromises with the adverse or congruous conditions while moving with the course of that conditions, his unsatiated emotions . 

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