Ncert Class 12 chapter 3 Tomorrow Summary | Tomorrow Chapter Question answer | Kaliedoscope

Ncert Class 12 chapter 3 Tomorrow Summary | Tomorrow Chapter Question answer |  Kaliedoscope
Ncert Class 12 chapter 3 Tomorrow Summary | Tomorrow Chapter Question answer | Kaliedoscope

Ncert Class 12 chapter 3 Tomorrow Summary 


Joseph conrad (जोसेफ कोनराड) अंग्रेजी भाषा के महान लघु कथाकार थे।  यह विस्तृत कथा एक लड़की के दर्द को उजागर करती है। शायद उसकी शादी की उम्र में, जो दो बूढ़ों के जाल में फंस गई थी । एक उसका पिता, एक सेवानिवृत्त जहाज निर्माता और दूसरा उसका जमींदार कैप्टन हैगबर्ड।  उसके पिता ने वृद्धावस्था के कारण अपनी दृष्टि खो दी थी। लेकिन जमींदार भी अपने बेटे की तलाश में अंधा है, जो निष्क्रिय है और वकील के लिए क्लर्क बनने के लिए तैयार नहीं है।  एक बार उसके द्वारा घर से बाहर गया था।  हालाँकि, लंबे समय तक उनकी अनुपस्थिति ने उनके प्रति उनके स्नेह को फिर से जगा दिया था।  ये दो बूढ़े लोग उस स्पिनर की भावनाओं का शोषण करने के अलावा कुछ नहीं करते।

पहचान के साथ उस बूढ़े आदमी की लगातार लालसा ने उसके दिल में एक तस्वीर छाप दी थी और वह हमेशा और पूरे दिन उसका सपना देखती थी।  उसके पिता, अन्य बूढ़े भी उसका शोषण करते हैं । जैसे कि वह मर जाएगा यदि वह उसे एक घंटे के लिए भी उससे दूर छोड़ देता है।  इस प्रकार, एक अपने बेटे के लिए उसके दिल में प्यार पैदा करता है, जो शायद हमेशा के लिए चला गया है और दूसरा, उसके पिता होने के लिए उसकी सेवाओं का फायदा उठाता है। उस स्पिनर के लिए रोने के अलावा और कुछ नहीं बचा है। लेखक जोसेफ कॉनराड ने सावधानीपूर्वक विवरणों के माध्यम से एक वातावरण को खूबसूरती से उकेरा है, इस प्रकार, जीवन के अकथनीय आंतरिक चरित्र और मन की गुणवत्ता को बदलने की अपनी भावना को व्यक्त किया है।

Tomorrow का शारांश इन हिंदी

हैंगबर्ड एक विधुर कप्तान है। जो अच्छी तरह जानता है। उसका बेटा कभी वापस नहीं आएगा। फिर भी वह अपनी अंधी खोज में लगा हुआ है। वह मल्लाहो  का कप्तान था और प्रारंभ में यूनाइटेड किंगडम में कॉल चेस्टर में रहता था। जहाज के कप्तान के रूप में वह सेवा करता था । उसने यह अपने बेटे हैरी को यूनाइटेड किंगडम में घर से निकाल दिया था। किंतु अपनी पत्नी की मृत्यु के बाद वह अकेला रह गया था। इसलिए उसने फिर हरि को खोजना शुरू किया। उसने पूरे इंग्लैंड और जहां वह जहाज लेकर जाता था। उन जगहों में निष्फल खोज की ।  एक बार किसी ने मजाक में उसे पत्र लिखा था कि उसका बेटा कॉल ब्रुक बंदरगाह में देखा गया है। उसने इस सूचना को सच समझा और कॉल चेस्टर में घर बेचकर कॉल ब्रुक चला आया और एक जमीन खरीद कर उस पर दो कुटिया बनवाई ।

उसने एक कुटिया जो शेष कार्विल नामक एक व्यक्ति को दे दिया ।  जो जहाज बनाने वाली एक कंपनी शिपिंग कॉरपोरेशन से सेवानिवृत्त हुआ था और वह भी पूरी तरह अंधा था ।वह भी विदुर था और उसकी एकमात्र बेटी मिस कार्विल उसकी देखभाल करती थी। इस प्रकार कप्तान हैंग बर्ड की दोनों कुटिया में तीन व्यक्ति रहते थे। वहां और कोई नहीं था।

Read -A wedding in Brownsville class 12 English 

जिसके साथ वह कुछ पल बैठ सकता था और दयनीय स्थिति में जीवन बिताने के लिए साहस जुटा सकता था। प्रारंभ में कप्तान ने उसकी बेटी पर ध्यान नहीं दिया । किंतु धीरे-धीरे वह उसकी उपस्थिति का अभ्यस्त हो गया। वार्तालाप के दरमियान व अपने बेटे के गुणों उसके विभिन्न देशों में जहाज चलाने के कौशल की प्रशंसा करता था । मिस कार्विल उस कल्पना के प्रति आकर्षित हो गई और कप्तान के अज्ञात अदृश्य बेटे हैरी पर सोचना शुरू कर दिया।

मिस कार्विल का पिता बहुत ही कठोर और निरंकुश था। वह अपनी बेटी के मदद के बिना अपने मुंह में एक निवाला भी नहीं लेता था । वह अक्सर उसे डांटता और गाली देता है तथा कप्तान के साथ बातचीत करने से ईर्ष्या करता है । बराबर के बातचीत से लड़की कप्तान की आदि हो गई और कप्तान उसे सुंदर ,स्वस्थ ,ईमानदार और सक्षम लगने लगा।

कप्तान द्वारा अपने बेटे हरि की अक्सर चर्चा लड़की के दिमाग में घर कर गई उसे ब्रह्म लगने लगा मानो । हैरी वहां उससे बात कर रहा है और  बता रहा हो कि कैसे और क्यों उसके पिता ने उसे घर से निकाल दिया था । उसके दिमाग में स्मृतियां यादें आती हैं और वहां वह अपनी भावनाओं के साथ उन्हें जोड़ती है। इस प्रकार उसके हृदय को बहुत लंबे अरसे तक राहत मिलती है।

Tomorrow question and answer 

 Q. 1 What were Harry's reasons for coming to meet oid Hagberd ? 

Ans .  It becomes apparent from Harry's conversation with Bessie that he had come to get some money from old Hagberd under a cheat.  He would console him in a false manner that his son would be brought if he could pay a handsome amount in Pounds.  He tells that he has some friends to whom he says Gambusinos in London and they are all involved in betraying others by spreading hoax, one or other way.  He is in need of fine quid or pond for spree.  

Q2 Why does Harry's return prove to be a disappointment for Bessie ?  

Ans.  It is because she could not persuade him in course of a long collocation ran for hours between them.  He was a vagabond and Bessie found him unamenable.  He was acquired with and accustomed to swindles and his return from there was impossible .  Bessie had since several years in past, woven a network of living a settled household life with Harry and Captain Hagberd had evoked her passions.  She had now understood in clear terms , her destiny as punishment for the acts she would have done in another incarnation or during the life , earlier or previous to that she was living .  He tender an innocent heart for a while had therefore, drown in the sea of ​​grief - an intense dreadful and dreadful.  She was disappointed in her heart at large. 

Q. 3. Every mental state, even madness, has its equilibrium based upon self - esteem.  Its disturbance causes unhappiness.  

Ans.  Self - easteem is a feeling of being happy , with one's own character and abilities.  Self - esteem is formed by virtue of a long practice of reconciliation with the existing circumstances and situations.  Every individual starts framing his disposition as early he come as a baby in this world.  He observes gradually the family environment consisting of the size of family ( nuclear or joint ), number and nature of his / her siblings and cousins ​​.  Eating habits , regime and routine etc.  We see a baby weeps at an appropriate time for revelation of his / her desire for food and feelings , micturition and excretion .  This is the reason , pedagogues like Froebel , Rousseau , Pestalozzi ete : feel the need of ideal mother for each child.  

Q.4.  What was the extraordinary material in which Captain Hagberd chose to clothe himself?  

Ans.  In material, it was his sailcloth suit but at emotional level, it was his aze to search and meet again with his son.  Q. 6. " Babers are the rumor monger since the ages in the past " Discuss.  Ans.  As the author is native of Poland and immigrated at London , both countries , parts of European continent , we are now fully confirmed of the arbers being rumourmongers ab - initio .  In India ( i.e. a country of Asian Continent ) we already know that it was barber , a few decades in past , who would gather the horoscope of prospective bride and groom , discuss with Brahmin and inform both parties if these were matching viz .  he was the mediator between both parties.  Kautilya's Arthshastra also exhibits, the cryptic formation, the spies would gather about locality and the people dwelling here;  from the barbers settled with their shop and scissors there .  numerous vidences , one may peruse in legends , Puranas , short stories , fictions like his , about the local wit or the barbers of the respective regions enumerated he " therein . 

Q5. How did the brain of Captain Hagberd respond to the publicized formation of his  being a father bereaved of his son ?

 Ans. As per the details expounded in this fiction , Captain Hagberd , when saw that scorns / taunts / humiliation instead of real sympathy from public was he only product or outcome of his witty access to media and local  people ; he had shifted his style of living to other direction .  , mental and emotional levels ) into cocoon of his body. At this state of mental - castle , he would use sentences like , " Go on your way " , " Don't alarm yourself , my dear " Le . to break and crack the  liaison instantly.  It was phenomenon of Captain Hagberd's three faculties (i.e. physical power, mental prowess and emotional lightenment) in the best coordinated manner.  After all, he was an educated or to Geography, marine - biology and observer of human beings in their author wants to state that irrespective of varied hues and habits.  Here , the state of health , " survival of the fittest " favors more to an intelligent individual like Captain Hagberd .  In order to survive in the gross perplexion and maintain his emotional health, he had tactfully entered his Self in the dy and youthful orbit of emotions lying within Bessie.  

Q.6.  Can you find from the text Captain Hagberd's statements which bad knocked in the bosom of Bessie ?  

Ans.  Yes , the following statements can be reproduced from the text ( 0 ) " It rots the wood , Bessie my girl " .

Q. 17 What does Bessie tell Harry about his father's plans for him ?  

Ans.  She tells that his father wants to assign everything he has to him .  She assures him that she would bring his father round in a week and he will tell him nothing for the mistakes he has so far committed.  She also tells that his father will solemnise his marriage with her shortly.  However, Harry did not like to deviate even an inch from his rigid approach.  He expressed gross hate for his father.  

Q. 8. What did Captain Hagberd call out to Bessie from the window ?  

Ans.  He asks Bessie if she has anything i.e.  idea to expel the worry about Harry out from her mind forever because according to him , he has hit his mind to insane .  He further tells that he has understood the condition of her delicate mind.

Q. 9.what was the point of similarity between captain Hagberd and old Mr.  Carvil ?  

 Ans.  Both of them were old men and employees retired from any shipping corporation.  Captain Hagberd was a navigator while Mr.  Carvil was a ship builder.  Besides being from the same department or field of work ;  both of them here widowers.  It is the main point of similarity between these two persons .  

Q. 10. Why did Bessie sometimes show signs of irritation and disgust ?  

Ans.  Bessie's father was a domestic tyrant and used to abuse and cry at her frequently.  Captain Hagberd in those moments used to realise her pain and pricks hence , as a consolation , he said one or other thing about his son or express his desire to make her his daughter - in - law as soon as his son would come such frequent and  Uncalled interruption by Hegberd at her mis - fortune .  It was the reason, she sometimes showed signs of irritation and disgust for him. 

 Short question and answer of tommorow

Q.1 Who was the stranger who met Captain Hagberd ?  What was the Captain's reaction to the meeting ?  

Ans.  That stranger was perhaps Harry .  He asked if was Captain Hagberd.  He further asked if he had advertised for his son.  In the meantime, the Captain interfered with him saying his son was coming home tomorrow .  The stranger , on his sudden interruption had perhaps jeered and addressed Harry as devil.  He took again further step in irony saying that he seemed like father Christmas.  Captain Hagberd drew a little nearer, learned forward over his spade and said "Go your way in a resentful and timid voice at the same time". 

 Q.2 .  What did young Hagberd think it meant when old Hagberd said that his son would be coming home tomorrow ' ?  

Ans.  He understood that captain Hagberd did not want to recognize his son while he himself was Harry , his son .  He , therefore , laughed at his wit Saying that he had grow a beard like father christmas himself had .  

Q. 3. What reasons did Bessie give for encouraging old Hagberd in his insane hopes ?  

Ans.  She explains Harry that his father loves him the most.  He is turning into insane since his departure from the home sneakingly.  She tells that after all, he has come in this world because of his parents.  She thus , tries her best to receive an agreement from Harry to settle at his home because knowing that he is the only hope of that old man .  

Q.4 .  What make Bessie convinced that the young man is indeed Harry ?  

Ans.  It was way of his talking the past events.  His annoyance and disgust

Q. 5.Why did young Hagberd get the idea that some yound man woul be arriving there the following day ?  

Ans.  He got that idea from the words in reaction expressed by Captain Hagberd, the old. 

 Q. 6 What did Bessic mean when she said- " This is the tomorrow we have been waiting for " ?  

Ans.  It was meant by the wait of Harry was over and be had come before them.  She thus , took the stranger as Harry .  

 Q. 7 What happened when Harry Hagberd entered Captain Hagberd's house? 

Ans.  Captain Hagberd's got squeaked and at the same time, Bessie's mind cause in full hallucination in which she imagined, the father and son would be happy now.  In her own , womenhood , waves rose of her marital tie with Harry and it began rocking .  Bessie's body.  

Q.8.  What does Harry rail against ?  

Ans.  It is the behavior of his father Captain Hagberd.  According to him , Hagberd .  According to him , Hagberd is strong disciplinarian and autocrat . 

Q. 9. Why do you think Bessie gave him money ?  

Ans.  She gave half - sovereign because there she guessed no conditions existed for his living permanently with her as her husband .  There was sea difference between outlook of father and son.  Both were arrogant and crazy Hence, she wanted to get - rid of him at the cost of one sovereign only available with her.  

Q. 10 .Why does Bessie burst into saying " I don't hear him any more " ?  

Ans.  It was because it was all the dore result of what she listened to about Harry.  That hallucination could break at the cost of half sovereign , disturbance to erotic organs , the affection and finally , crushed , thread only body , mind and emotion ..

Long answer type question 

Q. 1 Describe the appeal that the Mexican song had for Harry .  

Ans.  That song tells about Gambusinos or restless men.  Like Harry , these people cannot be held in one place .  Even marital ties have no value when weighed for their nomadic tendency .  These people are over ambitious and search for gold country.  They would find some fich spot and them turn their back on it , pick up perhaps a little - enough for a spree - and then be off again looking for more .  


Q. 2. "The author has tried patting and pouring , at emotional part of human personality and from his characters taken in this fiction " - Do you agree to this statement ?  Justify. 

Ans.  Yes , the learned and perhaps introvert as also intuitive author has aptly like a psychologist brought out the emotional aspect of health in human  personality i.e.  the masculine and feminine both .  Captain Hagberd represents the former and Bessie represents the latter.  Again Captain Hagberd and Josiah Carvil represent both the positive and negative parasite like personalities, respectively.  It is the womanhood or femininity of Bessie being exploited both ways.  Oneside her great conscience dying her neighbour, an oldman and one who is bereaved of his A B cannot see son and a father irrespective of his being domestic tyrant on the other.  She has sacrificed herself in bits for keeping both flames burning till their doomsday .  She has even, for them;  started sacrificing her prime feelings, conjugal love and consummation under the device of hallucination.  She is loyal to bear with every brunt of her fate with zeal.  Her heart would at least draw composition of being her role as life - giving energy to both elders.  Harry , who exists in memory of Captain Hagberd , finds expression before Bessie and manifests through her hallucination is an apparent image of modern westernized youth.  He is carefree , flirt , coward to face reality , stupid and - not discretion , a device that dissects perception brought in by sensory organs , churns or ponders upon in - depth and then comes out with justified blue - print for action - plan .  His father had even said that he would cut his soul out of his body rather than let him go to sea.  It was the last request from father when he had understood the pressure of peer group upon him but he even at fourteen ( i.e. matured - age at least to understand his guardian's emotional tie - ups ) abandoned his home and never returned. 

Q2.What brought captain Hagberd to Colebrook ?  

Ans.  The circumstances in which Captain Hagberd came and settled in Colebrook were as under-
(I) His wife was dead and son had abandoned home sixteen years ago when he was at his fourteen..
(ii) He was a retired sailor. 
(Iii) An hoax in the form of letter in response to several time advertisement He nad given in London dailies compelled him to sell his house property at. 

Q. 3. Why did people of Colebrook not have a favorable opinion of letter that Harry was seen in Colebrook .  Captain Hagberd ?

Ans.  It was because on the following ground -
(i) Bereavement of his son for long past had made him stiff and rough in behaviour.  He had grown a long beard which had made his appearance awful and awkward. 
( ii ) Initially , he used to ask every man in the street , on the road and market if he had seen his son.This enquiry ran for months onward and it had created an impression among people as if he was suffering from insanity .  They began to laugh at him . 
(iii) .  He used to buy goods of interior decoration of his house , book the candle stick maker , the barber and likewise some other people saying that his son will be coming at home the next month .  However, Harry, his son did not come.  When these people used to enquire the reason after a month, he would say that it was next spring, he would definitely come back.  Such frequent enquiries and his replies come at stay finally on assurance of his coming the next day or tomorrow but Harry did not return.  People then started laughing at him .

Q. 4. What sort of a seaman had captain Hagberd been ? 

Ans.  He had extreme love for living on land instead of sea.  In mental constitution also, he was staunch enemy to emotions viz.  a man of rational mind where fiction / imagination had no place to enter.  No doubt, he worked as a sailor but strove always for accessing to seashore and at least, watch innumerable houses and people gathered round firesides on the mainland.  Thus he was a home - sick person or a voyager. 

Q. 5.Captain Hagberd constantly hinted at something that made Bessie blush.  What was it? 

Ans.  It was like " we may just as well do away with the fence " .  Being the most sensitive spinster , she imagines her bright future when the fence will loss its entity .  She took it as she would then be married to Harry , his son. 

Q. 6 What were Bessie's reactions to old Hagberd's ravings ? 

Ans.  She used to listen Capt.  Hagberd silently and without any more response than a not , i.e.  a mute acceptance.  When Captain Hagberd wanted the necessity and propriety of a home and the delights of one's own firesides she smiled a little at her lips only. 


Q. 7 What sort of person was Mr.  Carvil ?  

Ans.  His body was gigantic like hippopotamus.  His cries were like that of a bear, a bull and a lion.  Indeed, he was fiercely furious man.

Q. 8. Explain a summed - up account of Harry through which the learned author has aptly described the defective emotional part of health, all apparent in modern youth of India. 

Ans.  The learned author has given a fine coat of emotional impulses seen generally in modern youth of so - called global youth and particularly, the youth feigning to become global youth without universal - brotherhood or fraternity within their love in India.  Liberalization of economy has presently , opened India - Gate for all shrewd business skills of foreign devices in which modern youth are trapped within term of money and they are wandering like Gambusinos in their search for gold - country as we find reference in this fiction .  Harry is also a part or comrade to those people .  It has been described that Gambusinos wander alone curious to know gold country before anybody had ever heard of it .  Following sentences can be reproduced in order to highlight better way , the image of modern youth through hallucination of Bessie it was on them too ;  and they did not seem to want the gold very much .  They " They ( Gambusinos ) had a sort of gift for prospecting and the fever of would find some rich spot , and then turn their backs onit , pick up perhaps a little enough for a spree and then be off again , looking for more .  never stopped long where were houses they had no wife , no chick , no home , never you couldn't be friends with a Gambusino ; they were too restless a chum

Q. 9. When the local barber saw a stranger in the neighbourhood, want thought would automatically occur to him? 

Ans.  He would take him as if he were Harry, the son of Captain Hagberd. 

Q. 10 List out the things piled up in Capt.  Hagberd's house meant to be 7 .  used after tomorrow . 

Ans.  These things are as follows
( i ) Flower seeds and fertilizer packets . 
(ii) Paint and varnish buckets. 
(iii) Rolls of carpets. 
(iv) Cement and
(v) A pile of rubbles. 

Q. 11 Only once did Bessie express her doubt about the return of young hagberd.  But she never did so again.  Why? 

Ans.  It was because she did not want her doubt should cause captain Hagberd's insane. 

Q. 12. For all their intimacy, the Captain never invited Bessie to have a look inside his cottage.  Why was this so? 

Ans.  It was the percussion of his earlier tendency to give no place for emotions.  Inspite of so deep intimacy, he had something in his mind that Bessie is a spinster and she should not be invited by a widower or in a place, without housewife.  She was the daughter of his tenant hence, he would have perhaps thought it better to maintain a fence between Bessie and his own. 

Q. 13 The captain's daily routing undergoes some slight images with the onset of autumn, and later, winter.  What were these changes ?

Ans.  He will continue to keep himself on digging the compound even when his sailcloth suit is saturated and the rain - water would start flowing with a stream from it .  In case, it is raining hearily, he would retreat under the tiny porch just close to the door and his eyes would stare his spade left planted in the middle of the yard. 

Q. 14 Old Mr.  Carvil had made himself helpless beyond his affliction.  Explain. 

Ans.  He had given himself upto a very lust of laziness.  He was depend for everything on Bessie.  He would not lift his hand to reach for the things she took care to leave at his very elbow.  He would not move a limb , not rise from chair and would not put on foot before another in that parlor without He was a father not a tyrant but he had crossed that limit .  calling Bessie to his side and hanging all his atrocious weight on her shoulder .

  Q. 15 Which things do reveal that Captain Hagberd was emotional man broken down ?

Ans.  These are feelings of his loneliness against which he fights at every moment.  His activities like , purchase of paint , varnish , interior fixtures and furniture , cement etc.  , continuous digging of compound front and the rear also , expression of interest on Bessie as his daughter - in - law , still keeping he away even from seeing the goods , he had so purchased and saying her expel immediately the stranger who was seen chatting with  her - all reveal tha at the emotional level , he had kept himself attached to feeling as if his son is always within him and acting as the pneuma ( vital air ) or life - giving energy .

Other question and answer

Q. 1.Describe the cottages owned by captain Hagberd and their occupants . ?

Ans.  These cottages had one wall in common, shared in a life of iron railing dividing their front gardens.  There was a wooden wall ( partition ) between their back gardens .  These were yellow brick cottages left unvarnished from a longer period in the past.  In backyard , Bessie had grown some simple flowers , not in linear and orderly managed . 

Q. 2 What is the contrast observed in the back gardens ? 

Ans.  There are some simple flowers grown in scattered manner in the backyard under occupation of Miss Bessie .  While at the side of .  captain Hagberd , it is ducked frequently but flowers are not still grown . 

Q. 3. Describe captain Hagberd , what made him look peculiar ? 

Ans.  Captain Hagberd was a retired sailor from a shipping company.  Once he had wife and a son Harry .  The son was naughty and over ambitious while his father was a strict disciplinarian.  They could not reconcile their day - to day issues with each other as good father and son.  Harry could not bear with his father's manners and abandoned his home when he was at his fourteen.  There were rumors spread by a barber and the hoax created by some naughty and rude people about his son's being present in Colebrook , a sea port in U.K. 

Q.4  What was the extraordinary material in which Captain Hagberd chose to clothe himself? 

Ans.  In material, it was his sailcloth suit but at emotional level, it was his aze to search and meet again with his son. 

Q. 5. " Babers are the rumor monger since the ages in the past " Discuss. 

Ans.  As the author is native of Poland and immigrated at London , both countries , parts of European continent , we are now fully confirmed of the arbers being rumourmongers ab - initio .  In India ( i.e. a country of Asian Continent ) we already know that it was barber , a few decades in past , who would gather the horoscope of prospective bride and groom , discuss with Brahmin and inform both parties if these were matching viz .  he was the mediator between both parties.  Kautilya's Arthshastra also exhibits, the cryptic formation, the spies would gather about locality and the people dwelling here;  from the barbers settled with their shop and scissors there .  numerous vidences , one may peruse in legends , Puranas , short stories , fictions like his , about the local wit or the barbers of the respective regions enumerated he " therein .

6. How did the brain of Captain Hagberd respond to the publicized formation of his  being a father bereaved of his son ?

Ans. As per the details expounded in this fiction , Captain Hagberd , when saw that scorns / taunts / humiliation instead of real sympathy from public was he only product or outcome of his witty access to media and local  people ; he had shifted his style of living to other direction .  , mental and emotional levels ) into cocoon of his body. At this state of mental - castle , he would use sentences like , " Go on your way " , " Don't alarm yourself , my dear " Le . to break and crack the  liaison instantly.  It was phenomenon of Captain Hagberd's three faculties (i.e. physical power, mental prowess and emotional lightenment) in the best coordinated manner.  After all, he was an educated or to Geography, marine - biology and observer of human beings in their author wants to state that irrespective of varied hues and habits.  Here , the state of health , " survival of the fittest " favors more to an intelligent individual like Captain Hagberd .  In order to survive in the gross perplexion and maintain his emotional health, he had tactfully entered his Self in the dy and youthful orbit of emotions lying within Bessie. 

Q. 7. Which unexplicable inner characters of life and shifting qual of the novel do you find in this fiction ? 

Ans.  ( i ) A regular transmission of emotions on any of the topics , starting sprouting , growing , maturing and manifesting in sub - conscious mind of an individual.
( ii ) The corporal needs in case , not seen congenial atmosphere t saturation ; set  their ties even with invisible , unknown and objects or people beyond reach. All such happenings are inexplicable as physical eyes cann perceive them.

(iii) Shifting quality of mind, we find here in Captain Hagberd. Sometimes his pain bursts with expressions verbally and through  media while at another time, it conceals itself within the cage of the body..

8. Do you think, it was Captain Hagberd's homesickness which had resulted in gross pains? 

Ans-He was staunch disciplinarian in Home. He imposed restrictions on Harry , his son perhaps , intolerable to teenager because influence of peer group is honored more than that of guardians.  terested in making him a clerk to an advocate and his marriage with an innocent rustic folk girl .  He says that he is afraid to lay hold of him because he is a Gambusino like nomad by nature and wants.  " kiss and go " in matter of fair sex and strive for money only to sustain his spree .  His strict discipline had resolved in separation from his son, death of his wife and shift from a city to a harbor (i.e. Colebrook).  Had he practiced persuasive methods , so gross pain as to near lunacy , he would have never born - with . 

Q. 9 What do you understand by the initial tattle of Captain Hagberd with Bessie from the pen perspective of the author ? 

Ans.  The learned author explains here how an old mind, seeks chance in its deserted state, to befriend another individual otherwise than his own age group.  Captain Hagberd has been shown here rebuking Bessie at the firs instance , for her habit to hand wet clothes on the wooden railing .  He says " It rots the wood and it is the only unthrifty and careless habit , I know i you . Why don't you have a clotheslive out in your backyard. Herefrom , he gradually befriends Bessie and considers her all eligible in giving him a  emotional support at that deserted phase of life."

Q.10/ Which characteristics Captain Hagberd would have found when Bessie had not refuted his suggestion ? 

Ans.  He would have duly understood that Bessie is a sensitive girl and she has a sense of respect for his elders.  On the basis of this finding , he till

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Captain Hagberd has gradually worked himself into a state of noisy happiness up there.  Go in!  Keep quiet!  ' she turned upon him tearfully, from the doorstep below.  He rebelled against her authority in his great joy t having got rid at last of that something wrong '.  It was as if all the hopeful madness of the world had broken out to bring terror upon her heart, with the voice of that old man shouting of his trust in an everlasting tomorrow.

Questions :
( i ) What is stony country here ?
( ii ) Why was the voice full of madness , lies and despair ? 
( iii ) How has the author described Bessie 's cottage as inferno ?
( iv ) What was something wrong in view of Captain Hagberd and that of Bessie's authority ?

(i) It is the realm of circumstances and their reverbration in mind. 
( ii ) It was mere voice or the murmuring of Captain Hagberd time to time before Bessie which has caused illusion , hallucination and hopelessness to her . 
( iii ) Because she has no other fellows of her age , there are two old persons in their fancies .  She is modest and understands morality in its true meaning and therefore, ready to bear with hellish pain in her mind , frequently by Captain Hagberd , an emotion exploiter and Josiah Carvil , a domestic tyrant.  She was as sandwich between these two rough slices.  7 %
( iv ) It was wrong to give shelter and listen to a strong person in view of Captain Hagberd but it was at least an authority of Bessie to see , meet , embrace and loiter with that strange hallucination of someone's presence about whom lot of  things she had heard from the Captain .;

Learn class 12 English Elective chapter


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