ncert class 12 kaleidoscope one centimeter story summary and solution 2022

ncert class 12 kaleidoscope one centimeter story summary and solution 2022

ncert class 12 kaleidoscope one centimeter story summary and solution 2022

Kaleidoscope Class 12 NCERT, Kaleidoscope Class 12 MCQ, One Centimeter Question answer, Solutions Class 12 Notes, Kaleidoscope Book for Class 12 Summary 

                -------------------------Bi Shu-min

Introduction of one Centimeter Story

The authoress of this fiction is Bi Shu-min, a Chinese lady.  It highlights the need of mother's sublime attitude toward character building of her son. There's a wage earner family in which husband and wife both work in private oncerns.  The lady is a chef in nearby inn .  Being a poor family of her's, she anages anyhow the pretty income could meet all requirements.  She would ot hesitate boarding the bus without ticket , if the operator is carefree and she would not mind visiting temples on ticket offered as gift by some generous ellows in the list of her liasons .  However, she does not resort to so-called stute if her son is with her.  A guard in Buddha temple prevent's the boy as he inaccuracy of the scale at the gate measures him 1.11 mt .  He therefore, nsists on ticket but the lady has not money to buy a ticket for her son.  She has full confidence that her son is not more than 1.10 mt.  to get the exemption .  She is depressed because her son may take it otherwise, and he will defy the civilized manners, continuously under her strict survillance.  She returns home , measures again the height of her son , finds it all accurate , writes a report to dailies and then waits for the outcome .  Two offices perhaps from temple come at her home after a month, they express regret before her son and thus, a good manner teaching mother is satisfied.

Short Summary Of One Centimeter Story-

There is a lady Tao Ying .  She is a poor lady.  She and her husband both , work is private concerns.  She works as a chef innerby inn.  Owing to poverty, she does not feel any hesitation if she could enjoy a travel by bus without ticket.  She however, teaches courteous manners to her son and gives extra head to manage herself as per lessons given by to her son, especially when to her son, she takes him for any feat, picnic and likewise other social functions.  She assumes her son as a delicate creature to whom she has brought into the world.  She also realises that to this little boy, she is the center of the universe and she must try to be the most perfect, flawless mother as much as possible.  Once she was boarded with her son on a bus.  She measure his height at the scale and declared that he might enjoy the exemption.  However, the conductor did not accede to her opinion and asked for one more ticket.  Although she was all right but she did not like passing harsh words with conductor hence, paid for the ticket.  She once saw, gnawing her son Xiao Ye at a melon.  She objected immediately and since then realized that if she wants her son to behave as if he were the product of a cultured home, then she must concentrate and never fail in her own example.

Once she got a ticket for temple as gift from Lao Chiang who used to come in the canteen frequently for lunch and dinner.  As she was known the fact that her son was as per his figure or height, exempted;  she took him also there.  The guard at the gate , prevented the boy saying that he must come with ticket as his height is abofe the exempted limit .  She forwards her.  please on the boy's falling under exempted limit but for positive result.  She then thinks better if she should leave the gate in order to avoid taunts from public.  She has no money to buy a ticket.  Her son is hurt .  She on the way gets him re - measured by an old woman but she also ears speculating balance / scale .  In order to keep at high spirit of her customer , she and her scale tell it always more than actual .  She anyhow again measures the height of her son when he is in snoring sleep, as he was annoyed and bewildered at the practical side of his mothers' teachings.  Hark!  it was again 1.10 mt .  instead of 1.11 mt as measured at entrance get of the temple and that at market place .  She thinks when she is innocent still the society has made her pygmy and culprit like haracter in the eye of her own son;  she should write a letter to the editors of certain dailies because the mass operations can be successfully conducted by media with its knife of journalism - and - it is mass not she must be laid on the operation table - witnessed so corrupted as to rot the future  generation , the nation builders .  Thus , an uprooting law and order situation a gross violation of the Constitution must be prevented .  As it was an amazing spark of a mother's bewildered heart at the ailing symptoms, so heinous grown;  the editor honored the same in the box at the front page of his daily .  A month late, two temple staff came at her home, apologise in the presence of her son as she wished.  She even did not receive five dolars or a ticket by way of compensation for inconvenience tantamounted to violation of ethical and Constitutional canon / laws , being the cause of action related to the gate of Lord Buddha's temple pardon is the greatest punishment and her son has already  seen how the hands cooking at canteen an plead her issues and able to nip the evil at its bud .  Summary of the text There is a poor woman named Tao Ching.  She and her husband both work in private institutions.  He is a cook in a nearby inn.  She does not feel any hesitation in traveling through poverty.  Still , she tells the way and follows the teachings given to her son , especially when she socializes her son like dinner , picnic .  She also feels that she is the center of the son's world and must try to be the most perfect and innocent mother possible.  Cause ticketless bus etiquette gives extra strength to your son!  Takes it to the celebrations.  that he can take advantage of the exemption.  Still, the conductor did not agree with her idea and once she boarded a bus with her son.  He measured the son's height and said

Hindi Summary of one Centimeter Story

ताओ चिंग नाम की एक गरीब महिला है । वह और उसके पति दोनों प्राइवेट संस्थानों में काम करते हैं । वह नजदीक के एक सराय में रसोइया है । दरिद्रता के कारण बिना टिकट बस यात्रा करने में वह कोई झिझक महसूस नहीं करती है । फिर भी , वह अपने बेटे को शिष्टाचार का ढंग बताती है और बेटे को दिये गये उपदेश पर स्वयं चलने पर अतिरिक्त बल देती है ! विशेषकर तब , जब वह अपने बेटे को भोज , पिकनिक जैसे सामाजिक समारोहों में ले जाती है । वह अपने बेटे को एक कोमल जीव समझती है जिसे उसने दुनिया में पैदा किया है । वह यह भी महसूस करती है कि वह बेटे की दुनिया का केन्द्र है और उसे यथासंभव सर्वाधिक पूर्ण एवं निर्दोष माँ बनने की अवश्य कोशिश करनी चाहिए । एक बार वह बेटे के साथ एक बस पर सवार हुई । उसने बेटे की लम्बाई मापी और बोली कि वह छूट का लाभ ले सकता है । फिर भी , कंडक्टर उसके विचार से सहमत नहीं हुआ और एक टिकट की माँग की । यद्यपि वह सही थी किन्तु कंडक्टर से रुखे शब्दों में बात करना प नहीं किया , इसलिए एक और टिकट के लिए भुगतान कर दिया । एक बार उसने बेटे . ये को दाँत से तरबूज काटते हुए देखा । उसने तुस्त टोका और महसूस किया कि यदि वह बेटे से एक सभ्य घर में पैदा हुए समान व्यवहार चाहती हैं तो उसे आगे संयमित होना च • और स्वयं को उदाहरण पेश करने से कभी चूकना नहीं चाहिए । 773 एक दिन उसे उपहारस्वरूप लाओ शियांग से एक मंदिर के लिए एक टिकट मिली शिआंग अक्सर कैंटीन में दोपहर का भोजन करने आता था । सही बात थी कि उसका बेटा . ही लम्बाई का था और भाड़े से निर्मुक्त था , उसने उसे भी साथ ले लिया । फाटक पर ने लड़के को यह कहकर रोक दिया कि उसे टिकट अवश्य लेकर आना चाहिए चूंकि उस लम्बाई छूट की सीमा से अधिक है । उसने बेटे को छूट की सीमा के अंदर होने की दलील किन्तु सकारात्मक परिणाम नहीं निकला । वह लोगों के मजाक से बचने के लिए फाटक " देना ही ज्यादा अच्छा समझती है । उसके पास टिकट खरीदने के पैसे नहीं है । उसका बेटा दु । रास्ते में बेटे का वह एक महिला द्वारा पुनः माप करवाती है , किन्तु उसकी माप काल्पनिक - है । अपने ग्राहकों का मन बढ़ाये रखने के विचार से वह तथा उसकी तुलना हमेशा वास्तवि से कुछ ज्यादा बताती है । किसी तरह वह अपने बेटे की लम्बाई पुन : उसकी गहरी नींद में माफ है चूँकि वह ( बेटा ) अपनी माँ के उपदेश की व्यावहारिकता से ऊब गया था । सुनो !! - मीटर हो गया । वह सोचती है कि वह इतनी निर्दोष है फिर भी समाज ने उसके बेटे की में उसे छोटी और अपराधी जैसा बना दिया है । उसे कुछ दैनिक ( समाचारपत्रों ) के संपादक को लिखना चाहिए । चूँकि जनसमूह की प्रवृत्ति को समाचारपत्रों द्वारा पत्रकारिता रूपी चाकू से • सफलतापूर्वक संचालित किया जा सकता है और जनसमूह को न कि उसको - आपरेशन टेबुल अवश्य लाया जाना चाहिए जिसे इतना भ्रष्ट देखा जाता है कि भावी पीढ़ी , राष्ट्र निर्माताओं के सड़ा देगा । इस प्रकार कानून - व्यवस्था को उखाड़ फेंकने की स्थिति संविधान का पू उल्लंघन को अवश्य रोका जाना चाहिए । । चूँकि यह बीमार व्यवस्था जो बहुत निन्दनीय थी , पर एक माँ के व्यग्र हृदय की आश्चर्यजनक चिनगारी थी , अत : संपादक ने अपने दैनिक के मुख पृष्ठ पर स्थान देकर उसका सम्मान किया । एक महीने बाद मंदिर के दो कर्मचारी उसके घर आये और उसने बेटे के सामने क्षमा माँगी , जैस कि वह चाहती थी । उसे असुविधा जो नैतिक और संवैधानिक नियमों के उल्लंघन के तुल्य धी उसके मुआवजे के रूप में एक टिकट या पाँच डॉलर भी मिले । भगवान बुद्ध के मंदिर प्रवेश द्वार से संबंधित व्यवहार के कारण क्षमा याचना ही सबसे बड़ी सजा है । उसके बेटे देखा कि कैसे कैंटीन में खाना बनाने वाली एक महिला अपने मुद्दों को उठा सकती है और उन् पनपने से पहले ही कुचल देने में समर्थ हो सकती ।


असावधान Peeling Innumerable = असंख्य , Astute = धूर्त , Casual and careless = Screw Chaped = क्रीमरोल की तरह लम्बी , टेढ़ी - मेढ़ी खाद्य वस्तु ( व्यंजन ) , paint = दीवार पर चटका हुआ सीमेंट , Fluffy = मुलायम बाल , Lustre = दीप्ति , चमक . Skimped = रोक लगाना , कृपणता दिखाना , Mess = अव्यवस्थित , उलझे हुए , Gaping Mouth = मुँह का खुला रहना , Hemisphere गोलार्द्ध , Slit = दरार , विदर , Flawless विशुद्ध , निर्मल , Glistening = कांतिमान , उत्फुल्ल , Stamping = छापा लगाना , अंकित कर =


Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

She must rescue the situation !  At night , after Xiao Ye has gone to sleep .  Tao Ying straightens his little legs so that he is lying as flat as a piece of newly shrunken fabric.  Tao Ying then stretches her tape from the soles of is feet to the top of his head - one meter nine centimetres.  She decides to write a letter to the administration at the temple.  She picks up her brush but suddenly realizes that this is harder that he thinks !  Seeing her deep in thought with knitted brows , her husband says , ' So what do you imagine might happen even if you wrote to them ?  " He is right , she doesn't know if anything would come of it . But in order to melt the ice in her son's eyes , she must do something . caused her At last the letter is done . There is a man in the factory  nicknamed the Writer ' . People say he has had some small articles published at the back of a news rag once . Tao Ying finds him and respectively offers up her literary work . " This sounds like an official communication .  Not lively enough, not moving.  The Writer traces the letter with his nicotine-stained fingers. 

(i) What situation does Tao Ying consider necessary to rescue ? 
( ii ) What do you understand by " picking up the brush " ? 
( iii ) What was the ice to melt by Tai Ying in her son's eyes ? 
( iv ) What is the difference between an official communication and that of a report of media ?

(i) It was to review the event and see again if her son's height was really beyond that which was exempted for ticket. 
(ii) It means dare to write something or ready to draft any matter. 
(iii) It was an effort to prove oneself right in cognizance of other annoyed at tampered event or wherein the fact was mis-represented.  It is like investigation in - depth to reach at reality once tampered or forged ..
( iv ) Official communication requires formal style already prescribed by


Q. 1. What is the theme of this fiction ? 
Ans.  It theme is an introduction with ambivalence an its dire MOR onsequences. 

Q. What is ambivalence ? 
Ans.  Ambivalence means living both good and bad feelings about things or some body.  In other words, it is a state of mind in confusion nd mirage.  Two aspects of everything start weighing in mind at the same point of time which result in emotional out burst, fury, gloom and upset sposition.  It can also be said an inner conflict. 

Q.3 .  What do you understand by the term ' astute ' ? 
Ans.  It implies the tendency of mind experienced to read even the body nguage of people and sharp to exploit emotionally, not for any noble purpose ut to fuel his body.  Ignition or spark of astute tendency and its humiliatory fects - when a mother finds her pygmy and guilty before her own son are need author has aptly explained in this fiction. 

Q.4.  Are your feelers able to understand Tao Ying is not fictional haracter but the authoress herself ? 
Ans.  Yes , we see the authoress has introduced initially with the profession of the lady Tao Ying (ie a cook in canteen ) and this fact , she has at another lace , substantiated by telling the lady had beautiful slender fingers because he was in contact with oil  all day  She has compared Tao Ying's nails with onch shell , so shiny .  This deep insight reveals as if authoress herself is Tao ing.  However, when we read about her, this confusion is vanished.  It was er twenty years experience as Physician ( Dr. ) in China which should have endered her with so deep insight.

Q. 5. " Tao Ying is well - educated and knows the liability of a commuter till she wants diversion of the expense to purchase of vegetable " -Discuss.
Ans.  It is difficult to find a man everytime alert to his duty and errors and mistakes somewhere cannot be ruled out .  In case , conductor is new and Inread astute faces , it is the duty of commuter that he or she should pay his are and get ticket against journey .  If we deliberately intend to take undue dvantage of the situation , it ends in gross repent lateron as the vegetable bought from that saving is cooked and disgested by the son .  It provides utrition at this phase, but the same hand that abstains from buying a ticket, under a sudden outburst of emotion;  blows a hard slap on the same child for which , that saving was made.  It's cruel return of investment made by an autute mind .

Q .  6. What do you understand by blue collar workers ? 
Ans.  It implies the class of laborers or grass root primary workers under Secondary or tertiary structure / composition of the occupation viz.  industry workers are called blue collar workers .  The saline sweat gets tangled with w fibers of their collars ( in shirts ) while digging quarries , mining , shovelling

Q. 7. Do you think discipline should also extend upto the eating manne of a water melon?
Ans.  No , not at all however , Tao Ying used to scold her son even when watermelon  .She was known to the fact even the rind of water melon is more beneficial for health than its flesh still she values ​​the manner of eating .  It is her unbaked or raw knowledge that tends to copy when the reality is duly known.  The lady in this fiction, is more imitating the others even after known to the fact. 

Q. 8. Do you think the event caused at temple would have opened the eyes of Tao Ying ?
Ans.  Her response on the issue indicates nowhere , she would have changed herself .  Had she come across that introspection (viz. her ambivalence had resulted in futile visit at temple), she would have not written a letter to editor by which she condemned the management of the temple.  Again , she wished to listen from the two gentlemen , came from temple , telling her son that it was fault of temple and not of his mother that caused inconvenience that day .  These things do not reveal any sign of confession and it is stated that reforms starts at the threshold of true confession .  Hence, we can state that no change in her ambivalence and astute attribute would have come even after that event. 

Q.9.  Do you consider Tao Ying a good mother ?

Ans.  No.  not at all.  Instead , his ambivalence would make him a psychopath evith .  a number of neuro - disorders .  Thanks to lord Buddha, the child could Enderstand the personation of his mother.  His self - realization is praiseworthy hen he says the temple officials , they should keep money and ticket with em and not try to punish anyway , the guard on duty for delinquency .  other should instead bring the child up in real time situations so that he ay excavate a firm foundation for the castle of his career. 

Q.10 .  Did Tao Ying love her son ?  What changes in behavior did she opt to win Xiao Ye's approval? 

Ans.  It was actually not love but gross affection, not agape chment corporal.  The changes she brought in behavior were not better dodging techniques to laws of the land or mere negative / self - destructive ges.  Her obeisanceto Almighty also looks for chances when she would he ticket in gift and then only visit at His memorial / temple sanctioned by Dublic consensus .  She became an astute and began to show her Stute and began to show her mother heart, far from reality;  to on which finally lost its lustre at the temple gate . 

11. Did Tao Ying really intend to cheat at the temple?

Ans.  No , she is not in abnormal / speculative behavior here.  Her son's height is little less than
1.10 mt.  , she is confident.  She felt panic within , tempted to pick a ticket out from the box but draw not , suspicious eyes of public at her and anger enough to land her hand on her son's head. 

Q. 12. What makes Xiao Ye dislike the mother after the temple episode ?  How does he show what he feels? 

Ans.  It is revealed ex - facie from his trips , racing , bouncing body up to fall sudden , leaving his mother behind , visiting at measuring scale in the market place , and looking at his mother as if she were a wolf and he , a meck sheep  .  His words are also harsh.  He says " Mama , did you really not buy a ticket ? " His gesticulations reveal his dazzling bewilderment. 

Q.13.  How does the unpleasant experience of the temple episode affect Tao Ying's work? 
Ans.  Tensions and fatigues are staunch enemies a concentration hence, the temple episode tangled her badly in its cluthes.  Her wit was founded on the basis of duality which she met at temple gate and again at the market place but true was it that her son was 1.10 mts .  and not 1.11 mts .  as she had again measured her son at home while he was sleeping.  She burnt the cakes in canteen owing to the fight between truth and false within her contemplation.  It was actually punishment at the intellectual level for her double - dealing with her son.  She had felt herself dejected, defeated and perplexed within her.  It's a guilty conscious. 

Q. 14. What does Tao Ying do to show her anger against the temple guard ?  Why does she seek the help of the writer for this ? 
Ans.  She wants to draft a report on the episode and get it be published in newspapers.  She accumulates and recalls her pain felt in mind but finds it difficult to draft a news worth it could see sanction prima facie of the editors concerned.  However, she writes it, submits before a Writer, not so distinguished;  and when she detects a tone of his dissatisfaction ;  she wants to be dictated by him in catchy form.  She herself is drawn in self - created duality, hence ;  she is not able to write a catchy report which could bear a stunning originality. 

Q. 15. Why does Tao Ying feel nervous and depressed when the temple officials visit her house ? 
Ans.  It is because her astute mind say them put on the same color apparels as that of guard on the day, she feit humiliated at large.  Secondly.  she had anyhow tried to wipe the misunderstanding of her son out between an interval of more than a month and now she was watching glimpses of recovery in him .  On this reason, in particular, she did not want to allow the reappearance of that very episode.  This is the reason , she does not want the presence of her son there. 

Q. 16. What makes Xiao Ye dislike the mother after the temple episode ?  How does he show what he feels? 
Ans.  It is revealed ex - facie from his trips , racing , bouncing body up to fall sudden , leaving his mother behind , visiting at measuring scale in the market place , and looking at his mother as if she were a wolf and he , a meck sheep  .  His words are also harsh.  He says " Mama , did you really not buy a ticket ? " His gesticulations reveal his dazzling bewilderment. 

Q.17.  How does the unpleasant experience of the temple episode affect Tao Ying's work?
Ans.  Tensions and fatigues are staunch enemies a concentration hence, the temple episode tangled her badly in its cluthes.  Her wit was founded on the basis of duality which she met at temple gate and again at the market place but true was it that her son was 1.10 mts .  and not 1.11 mts .  as she had again measured her son at home while he was sleeping.  She burnt the cakes in canteen owing to the fight between truth and false within her contemplation.  It was actually punishment at the intellectual level for her double - dealing with her son.  She had felt herself dejected, defeated and perplexed within her.  It's a guilty conscious. 

Q. 18. What does Tao Ying do to show her anger against the temple guard ?  Why does she seek the help of the writer for this ? 
Ans.  She wants to draft a report on the episode and get it be published in newspapers.  She accumulates and recalls her pain felt in mind but finds it difficult to draft a news worth it could see sanction prima facie of the editors concerned.  However, she writes it, submits before a Writer, not so distinguished;  and when she detects a tone of his dissatisfaction ;  she wants to be dictated by him in catchy form.  She herself is drawn in self - created duality, hence ;  she is not able to write a catchy report which could bear a stunning originality. 

Q. 19. Why does Tao Ying feel nervous and depressed when the temple officials visit her house ?
Ans.  It is because her astute mind say them put on the same color apparels as that of guard on the day, she feit humiliated at large.  Secondly.  she had anyhow tried to wipe the misunderstanding of her son out between an interval of more than a month and now she was watching glimpses of recovery in him .  On this reason, in particular, she did not want to allow the reappearance of that very episode.  This is the reason , she does not want the presence of her son there. 

Q.20.  How does Tao Yi succeed in convincing the officials that she was in the right?  Why dess she not accept the tickets offered by the 1.18 officials ?

Ans.  She allowed them re - measurement of her sun's height .  It was al greater than 1.10 mts.  She convinces, the official that one month and bin days had already passed when that event took place.  Hence, a little grow inconvenience, agony and mental stress, she borne with that day.  She wante in height was all right and necessary.  The tickets were like compensation f her son to see that his mother was fair and not swindler.  It would eliminate their offer and wished they should explain the truth to her son.  erase the image so formed in his mind on that fateful day.  She therefore

LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS  of one Centimeter Story

Q. 1. "Totally the fiction we find mis - use and abuse of one's cognition and conation " - Discuss . 
Ans.  It is all true that we find mis - use of congnition and conation due to mis - conception of thins deliberately in order to satisfy one's false ego .  The learned authoress has made ex-facie the formation stage and stimulants of ambivalence, a compound of inferiority complex, frustration and astuteness including the impleasant conséquences of the same.  The protagonist of this fiction is a lady, well educated but working as a cook in a canteen.  She is over - ambitious in the matter of providing good culture and manners with her son even at the cost of his involvement in violation of traffic norms and the norms of society .  She takes undue advantage of casual and careless conductors in the bus and wants to board the bus without ticket.  She never considers that act as an offense but a saving that can be diverted to purchase of vegetable or any other provisions for her home.  No doubt, she is generous in providing her son with nutritious diet and god schooling as every parent must do;  but does not want to reveal her real personality before him.  She would sincerly buy ticket , take care of manner while eating and dealing with people politely but only in the presence of her son.  She is money minded and relies on getting things free of cost.  She once goes to visit at temple on a ticket received as gift from a meat seller.  As per rules of the temple, children less than 1.10 mt.  height are exempted.  The guard finds that her son has crossed that ceiling hence, he asks for ticket.  The lady becomes furious and slaps her child in the presence of a crowd before the temple gate.  She again wants to verify his height at a lady with scale in market place but here also she finds inaccuracy in scale.  Her son in annoyed and bewildered on her behaviour.  She is rigid in her approach and writes to media ,

Q. 2. Would you have identified yourself with Xiao Ye when you were his age ? 
Ans.  This question pulls the door of imagination to keep oneself at the place of Xiao Ye , to direct one's mind around the event hence, it is difficult to see, what I would have done in conditions resembling to that appeared before that child.  However, if I recall the event, just presuming myself at the first rung of the learning ladder viz.  a child like a blank slate ;  I would have also annoyed at my mother's ambivalent behaviour.  I would have identified myself being a product of poor family , not only in terms of physical means but also pauper in terms of ethical values ​​that train the mind and rein its fickle flight and moreover , out come of unbridled mind is gross perlexion and outburst of  anger to make things worse.  I would have understood that picnic but humiliation and a hard blow at my temple which was brought by ambivalence within my mother .  It was ambivalence, not my mother and its riding had resulted in a hard slap for me.  I would have told mother not to incur expenses on things beyond her budget.  That event would have taught me the magnificences of simplicity and truthfulness as I had seen in Lord Buddha (Physical recognition as temple), an embodiment of Enlightenment, did not allow entrance to my ambivalent mother, the most cryptic way.  

Q3.What made Tao Ying decide whother to buy a ticket or not when erode a bus alone ?
Ans.  She while boarding on bus used to apply her economic sense to if possible, the money as charge is mandatory to pay for commuter.  There are two factors giving birth to such nuisance.  These were
( 1 ) her poverty the debit of previous account .  ( ii ) the cascading effect on her culture ( i.e. bit ) that mis - directs her learning , understanding and discretion so that her .  overty should continue all along her life. 

Q.4.Why did she insist on buying tickets both for horsely and her son at day ? 
Ans.  She is educated and understood to human pulses but her poverty t least sense of thinking that she is poor) and culture lead her to mis - use d abuse her so sound knowledge.  Its return also is not far to seek , as she as resisted at the temple gate of lord Buddha , who in his corporal life had en abandoned kingdom , his parent , a son and even his wife also and so btained enlightenment.  It was actually the punishment proportionate to application of her wit to dodge the conductor and save the fare to bifurcat it for vegetable which also shared her unskimpy attitude for nutrition of he son.  Thus , the Bourvita she offered him resulted in severe blow of insult as that temple - gate .  It was just as in Mattoo case recently appeared at PIL before Delhi Higa Court wherein an advocate ( practitioner to law for his livelihood ), himself waw found involved in the most heinous crime, which had been declared as thake rarest of the rare case by Hon  'ble court.  Tao Ying was extra - smart in keepindf her son unknown to what she actually was.  However, at the gate of Los Buddha, the curtain was pierced and the boy took her mother as a swindle the or cheat.


I am a story writer. I can write very interesting and impressive story

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