Ncert class 12 POEMS BY MILTON | ON TIME | ON SHAKESPEAR | Summary 2022 | English Elective

What are the major sources and influences in Milton's poetry,Poems by Milton class 12 MCQ,Poems by Milton Class 12 questions and answers,On Shakespeare by John Milton summary,Poems by Milton class 12 pdf,Poems by Milton class 12 summary in hindi,POEMS BY MILTON -John Milton, On TIME II . ON SHAKESPEAR POEMS BY MILTON -John Milton, POEMS BY MILTON -John Milton ( 1608-1641) ON TIME II . ON SHAKESPEAR . * 1630


John Milton was a great poet of English literature . Poet laureate Jo Milton , the composer of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained through dictati  Thus, he imagines a state of mind and conscience where love , truth and peace act combinedly as a torch bearer and a guide.  world's eat and drink tendency merely as mortal dross or dirt.  or pleasure." How marvel or excel is seeing oneself the throne illuminative to love, peace and truth the poet says. II. The poet laureate Milon, in praise of Shakespeare states that gl needs no Mementos, relics.or a pyramid. Virtues and  works of a man li Shake  speare , glitter even without an epitph and epithets .  He addresses him the great heir of fame.  He says that even words can not reveal the true accou of his gem personality.  He says that his memento is built in the hearts of t readers.  


 poet , John Milton , addresses the time to accelerate its speed so th a glut and indifference to worldy false enjoyments and consumptions are s completed .  He seems saturated with the worldly walks premature because has shown here , his strong anxiety and despise for them .  Unless passi urges, motives are given up, one cannot realise how great is an eternal pleasure he says here.  He refers to the euphoria felt when someone performs no deeds .  

Ncert class 12 POEMS BY MILTON |  ON TIME | ON SHAKESPEAR | Summary 2022 | English Elective
Ncert class 12 POEMS BY MILTON | ON TIME | ON SHAKESPEAR | Summary 2022 | English Elective

A continuous involvement in noble cause, sublimes the emotions a ijnmpulses when love, truth and peace act upon or direct the mind as a guide monitor.  These will bestow with positive thinking and the acts performed un eye and care of these virutes, shall certainly be done with addition the sincerity and perfection.  Under such suveillance of heavenly guided sou bondages worldly are loosen and with the flux of time, we will see oursel liberated.  

At that conquered state of mind, the man by virtue of his great de becomes immortal or a conqueror of death itself.  II.  The poet says that Shakespeare requires nothing like moment epitaphs and Royal recognition or demonstration .  His impressive style , elegant lines that highlight varied circumstances of human life are suffice to keep him vibrant and immortal . His words are undying or ever lasting treasi of stones . Milton resorts to pathetic fallacy while saying that perusal of Shakespeare works has already constructed a marble momento within hu hearts . The wonder and bewilderment sewn with the fabric of Shakespere drama and plays in the hearts of readers already is like his life long monument

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कविता का सारांश

कवि समय को अपनी गति बढ़ाने के लिए कहता है ताकि सांसारिक मिथ्या आनंद कार्यों के प्रति कवि पूर्ण लगता है । क्योंकि उसने यहाँ उनके प्रति अपनी घोर चिन्ता और घृ प्रदर्शित की है । वह कहता है कि उत्कंठा , प्रवृति और निमित्त को त्यागे बिना कोई शाश्वत आ की महत्ता का अनुभव नहीं कर सकता है । किसी के द्वारा नेक काम किये जाने की अनुष्ट की वह चर्चा करता है । अच्छे कार्यों में सतत संलग्नता भावनाओं और प्रवृत्तियों Ĉ देता है । जब प्रेम , सत्य एवं शांति दिमाग को एक मार्गदर्शक या उपगुरु की तरह निर्देशित करें ये सकारात्मक विचारों से विभूषित करेंगे और इन गुणों से प्रेरित कार्य निश्चय ही पूर्णता के अतिरिक्त भाव से किये जायेंगे । ऐसे स्वर्गिक मार्गदर्शन के अधीन सच्चाई और पूर्णत के अतिरिक्त भाव से किये जायेंगे । ऐसे स्वर्गिक मार्गदर्शन के अधीन सांसारिक बंधन सम के प्रवाह के साथ ढीले पड़ जायेंगे , हम स्वयं मुक्त हो जायेंगे । मन की इस विजित अवस्थ अपने अच्छे कार्यों के बदौलत अमर हो जाता है या मृत्यु का विजेता बन जाता है II

कवि कहता है कि शेक्सपीयर को स्मारक समाधि - लेख एवं शाही पहचान या प्रदर्शन क जरूरत नहीं है । उसकी प्रभावशाली शैली , सुन्दर पंक्तियाँ जो मानव जीवन की विभिन्न परिस्थितियों को दर्शाती हैं , उसे अमर और कम्पनयुक्त बनाये रखने के लिए पर्याप्त हैं । उसक शब्द अमर शाश्वत खजाने के 100 समान हैं । वह कहता है कि यह जन साधारण की अज्ञानता कि वे उसे पत्थरों की ढेर में खोजते हैं । मिल्टन प्रभावकारी भ्रान्ति का सहारा लेता है जब वह - कहता है कि शेक्सपीयर की रचनाओं के अध्ययन ने पहले ही मानव हृदय के भीतर संगमरम का एक स्मारक बना दिया है । शेक्सपीयर के नाटकों के साथ पिरोया हुआ ताना - बाना क • आश्चर्य और उग्रता पहले से ही पाटकों के हृदय में उसके आजीवन स्मारक के समान है ।

I. Envious Time = सांसारिक जीवन बिताने का काल । Run - Out = पूर्ण करन समाप्त करना । Call on = आग्रह करना | Lazy leaden stepping = ढीले - ढाले कद रखना | Plummets pace = सत्वरगामी कदम | Glut = तृप्त होना , ऊब जाना । Womb उदर , पेट Mortal dross = दुर्गुण | Overtake = घेरना , मिलना , व्याप्त होना | About आस - पास । Heavenly guided soul आदर्श / श्रेष्ठ उदात्त लक्ष्य को पाने की चे 1 Clime = अनुकूलन करना , सामंजस्य बैठाना , जलवायु | Attired = सुसज्जित , जि वस्त्रादिक से ।


Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow . 
What needs my Shakespear for his honor'd Bones , The labor of an age in piled Stones , Or that his hallow'd reliques should be hid Inder a Star - y pointing Pyramid ?

Dear son of memory, great heir of Fame, What need'st thou such weak witness of thy name ? Thou in our wonder and astonishment Hast.  built thy self a live - long Monument .

(i).  Choose the words / phrase used for the term monument /
( ii ) How is Shakesperare a dear son of memory ? 
( iii ) How has Shakespeare according to Milton made his live - lor monument ? 
(iv) Tell the type of this poem? 

Answers :
(I)These are - Piled stones , Star - y pointing Pyramid and slc endeavoring art .
( ii ) It is because of his plays , dramas and poems scribed on varied socia political , historical topics and inner faculties of human beings .  These impri memory of Shakespeare in the hearts of readers. 
( iii ) The hair - raising suspense , thrill , romance , humor , comedy and trag scene , Shakespeare has drawn with his dexterity and erudition are no - dout like bricks , cement , mortar and marble , used in building a momento .  In sense of things , the poet says that Shakespeare has himself made his monomer
( iv ) It is lyrics with couplets rhyme .

Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow

For whilst to th'shame of slow endeavoring art , Thy easie numbers flow , and that each heart Hath form the leaves of thy unvalu'd Book , Those Delphic lines with  deep impression took, then thou our fancy of it self bereaving Dost make us Marble with too much conceaving: And so Sepulcher'd in such pomp dost lie, That Kings for such a Tomb would wish to die. 

Questions :
( i ) Why does the poet say construction of a mounument as st .. endeavoring art ? 
( ii ) What does " thy easier numbers flow " refer to ? 
( iii ) What is self - bereaving ? 
( iv ) Which type of sepulcher does the poet discuss here ? 

Answers :
money to the great extent while Shakespeare had made his several monu
( i ) The poet says that construction of a monument consumes tim and So easily and at the least time taken . 
( ii ) It refers to the numbers of plays , Shakespeare has composed withi .. a very short time span .  It is noticeable that during 1588-94 , ( i.e. 6 years )
Shakespeare had written ten plays from Romeo and Juliet to King John .  The are thus as many as 33 plays, 154 sonnets and two narrative poems written by Shakespeare. 

(iii) It's a state of obsession.  It shows devotion but in physical termi photograp perception.  A man feels himself bereaved of any member, keeps a with him and worships the same.  Its a type of concentration on Object marble to become a part of the monument constructed in their concept of ( Rupastha Dhyana ) .  Readers have felt self - bereaving and they turned i intuition . 

( iv ) It 's invisible , intuitive or in conceptual form .  It's not alike a glass building constructed in the memory of any greatmen.  Contrary to it , the monument discussed here is gigantic in the hearts of Shakespeare's reader Readers here have become marble like to construct that moment. 



Q.1 .  Why has the poet pitted the flight of time against the ' lazy leaden stepping hour's and the heavy Plummets pace ' ? 

Ans.  It is because that pace of time is worth nothing.  It's period of youth when an individual is allured by passions and urges at physical level.  The pol therefore , calls on cosmos - consciousness to make the time meaningful Therefore , summons his creative keep himself engrossed in writing poems , novels and plays .  It's his self - introspection. 

Q. 2. What are the things associated with the temporal and what art associated with the eternal ? 

Ans.  Temporal things are addressed here as mortal dross .  These are for worldly possessions , greed , selfishness , corporeal love , affection etc.  Etem things are selfless acts, attainment of insight, peaceful temperament, ability to see and disclose truth and finally, love for all beings i.e.  diveine love. 

Q.3 .  What guides human souls towards divinity ?  Who is the final winne in the race against time ?

Ans.  These are virtues like truth, peace and love.  In the light of the virtues, everyman does everything sincerely good.  He fares well and new reposes faith on fare forward .  The individual who is able to develop cosmo consciousness within him and duly adopted to the same in his cogniti perception and conation is the final winner in the race against time.  conquer the time through his immortal and noble deeds .  or C call II . 


Q. Why does Milton feel it is not necessary to put up a monument one for Shakespeare ?

Ans.It is because , Shakespeare has himself built his monument in the living hearts of his readers.  It's his immortal tomb built by using every play, drama and poems as a brick -- says Milton.  He appreciates the eloquent or dephic lines with deep impression, Shakespeare has written in his works.  The ombs built are merely pile of stones and considerable time, money and labor is wasted in their construction.  He says that the tomb built by Shakespeare is so grand as the kings wish to die for having their relics put inside that tomb. 
Q.2 - What does the ' weak witness of thy name ' refer to ? 
Ans.  It refers to a tomb , hallow'd relique , star - y pointing pyramid or Sepulcher . 

Q.3 .  How does Milton describe Shakespeare as the source or inspiration for all suceeding generations of poets ? 
Ans.  It is because Shakesphere is the only playwrigh who had composed 33 Plays , 154 sonnets and two nareative poems i.e.  Venus and Adonis and the Rape of Lucrece.  He started writing from 1588 CE to 1612 CE i.e.  in a short time span of twenty four years.  His plays are categorized as early experimentation, comedies, romantic and tragedy.  He was a unique personality of the sixteenth century in Europe.  These are his delphic lines foe which he will be remembered by the succeeding generations of poets. 

Q4.  What is the best tribute that posterity has bestowed on Shakespeare ? 
Ans.  The posterity has built a tomb for Shakespeare in their hearts.  His delphic or eloquent lines have fascinated all his readers.  It's the best tribute for Shakespeare - says Milton. 


Q. 1 Miiton States the " time envious " -Why ? 

Ans.  This term he has used in purporting to en - vice - ous viz .  a period that attracts to commit vices consisting of petty offenses , mischiefs , juvenile delinquencies .  Generally , this is the period that falls between post - adolescence and the adult age i.e.  age group of 13 to 40 years .  Hence , an harsh attitude the poet has shown to that period susceptible or vulnerable to mis - directed .  disposition. 

Q. 2. Why does the poet allege run of time with lazy leaden - steps ? 
Ans.  It has been truly stated that- " man is where his mind is".  Physical presence has no meaning in context to any of the projects - subtle or pervading as intellectual and emotional presence is only living element (essence) in an inert / instable / inactive body.  Human beings of abovesaid age in question (1), take easy that time and allow it go waste.  However , like poet of this poem , there are a few exemplary persons - incubated in the kiln of trials at physical , mental and emotional levels , capable to introspection , review and reminiscence and

vays prepared to accept and bring in effect ;  certain amendments in their and ( emotional ) co - ordination among them - can only keep them protected hysique , psyche and cosmic constitutions taking in account , unique harmony rom swaying with vagaries , gimmicks , ecstasy , euphoria by virtue of self estraint and strict adherence to  continence or celibacy.  The people understood earlier , the cause and effect of attachment with worldly affairs take it as more than expected time , they have wasted in course of that ignorance . 

Q.3 .  Why does the poet say envious time to fall like a heavy plummet and atiate shortly the worldly passions ? 

Ans.  It is because in this way, he can access to the supreme throne illumined with love, truth and peace and he is eager to utilize that throne in his efforts to establish love, truth and their resultant peace in this world. 

Q.4.  What is Long Eternity and an individual kiss ?
Ans.  Long Eternity is a state of cosmic consciousness in which material.  hedonism is left with no existence.  Seeds of love and truth manifest in peace throughout the world.  Such an environment free from fatigues and tensions will automatically , enhance longevity and if noble deeps are performed by the ndividuals like our greatmen enshrined in golden pages of history , they can attain immortality.  Such immortality is therefore, according to the poet ;  an individual kiss or outstanding works at individual level. 

Q5.  Explain what is sincerely good and perfectly divine? 
Ans.  It's like " Svanta ' Sukhaya " of Tulsi or the noble deeds .  These are sincerely good because of bona-fides, products of love and truth, free from selfish approach and perfectly divine as these do good for mankind as a whole and not confined merely to any particular section of society. 

Q6.  What do you understand by " Heavenly guided soul " ?
Ans.  It is meant by a head and heart that sparks for doing something good for mankind as a whole.  It's sublime spirit of a universal manhood.  At this , state of cosmos - consciousness , the individual sets aside , the hedonism and involvement in worldly enjoyments . 


Q.1 .  What characteristics do you see in this poem when a poet ( Milton ) is composing in memory of Shakespere ? 
Ans.  Poets being clairvoyant personality , they are veteran , prolific and the most creative persons at the level of well managed emotions .  It's not like an ordinary appreciation or recommendations as the worldly people keep on paper black and white.  Instead , it 's resplendence of the sun , the sole source of li and energy .  It goes beyond narrow lanes of contemplation on passion tery.  It has capacity to see the subject of recommendation inside ion and upon a trance.

Q.2. What are hallowed reliques?
Ans-These are items of interest - pertaining to outstanding persons goné out from worn and exhausted body - during in life time .  These may be spectacles ( glasses ) , walking stick , ash , hair , books etc.  These things are placed on the grave within an altar at the center place of the giant tomb erected in their memory.  Thus , these places are visited by numerous people , who are understood to their works in literature , religion , culture , royal recognition by their heirs etc. 

Q. 3. Do you think people who visit at Shakespeare's tomb or monument would become like Shakespeare - A great playwrigh and drama writer ? 
Ans.  As Milton has made it very clear, there are two layers of identities formed in every man's heart for other people in society.  It's a person in his social status and that as an individual.  As the former identity is regulated by certain norms or canons of society and the laws of land, it cannot be so dense or intimate as that of the latter.  Monument is like stones piled together or an identity with Shakespeare in form (i.e., Rupastha Dhyana) just a primary stage of concentration not developed upto meditation after withdrawal of hedonism (Kiyotsarga or Pratyihira).  However , his real identity dwells in the books wherein he ridicules at social - evils , stereotypes prejudices and discriminations ;  keeps at the peal of laughter in his comedies and exhibits the dire consequences of , passions , urges , motives steered to commit offenses / crime through his plays in tragedy .

Q.4.  How do the Shakespeare plays an other works make the readers marble to construct his monument ? 
Ans.  Milton in his swing of flair for writing an elegant way , refers to Shakespeare to a tomb itself in such pomp as the kings for is wish to die .  When he is presumes so , the readers who gain virtues or other things from perusal of his works according to their instincts , inquisitiveness , catharsis etc.  are naturally like the bricks ( or marble ) used for the construction of that momento .. Shakespeare is like a stream of Ganges while readers are like canals , numerous in numbers dug out for irrigation purposes from Himalayan region to the West Bengal . 


Q.1 .  Discuss the flood of joy that overtakes an individual just after any philanthropic deeds is performed?
Ans.  This feeling in unique and only the individual can enjoy it.  He , by virture of noble deed so done under impulses of heavenly guided soul , becomes a member to cosmos wherein , an immortal or everlasting peace is spread .  The if we laugh at people on their sudden fall, they will either the same moment or ephemeral hedonism on the other side, ends always in sorrow.  For an example , the days forthcoming , incline to plot a fall for us , more dangerous than their's


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