NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Poetry Chapter 4 Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream a Fragment

Kaleidoscope Class 12 MCQ,Kubla Khan theme,Kubla Khan theme and symbols,Kubla Khan Analysis essay,Kubla Khan summary,Kubla Khan questions and answers,MORE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 

KUBLA KHAN OR A VISION IN A DREAM : A FRAGMENT -S.T.  Coleridge ( 1772-1834 )


The poet S.T.  Coleridge was a great poet of English literature.  As the poet S.T.  Coleridge was imaginative even as a child , his mature sense has been referred to Kubla Khan as representative to excitant temperament ( Rajas ) and he himself , as that of equanimous or equipoise temperament .

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Poetry Chapter 4 Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream a Fragment
 NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Poetry Chapter 4 Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream a Fragment

He says that cosmos - consciousness is when seeds of passions for ruling, not serving others are sown by the environment ( i.e. the status of family in terms of temporal and corporeal pleasures ).  It gradually generates slant attitude among the mass and sooner or later, the kings or representative to passions here, are overthroned or wiped.  The poet then takes within him , Kubla Khan's ruling in an emotional perspective.  Here his trance will bring deformity in face, the toughest meditation pose.  People cannot raise tumult in that state of enlightenment and any rabble hardly may reach there. 


passions of ruling the mass under an autocratic system of governance .  He or The poet says that Kubla Khan's conquests were attached to his inner his persons could establish , a giant nomadic empire.  It was actually decay of ENGLIS sacred river in caverns, numerous and uncountable and ultimate fall of these caverns ( temporatory urges) in the sunless sea viz.

divided streams through barbarity and massacre .  He uses pathetic fallacy in revealing passions as pleasure domedecree.  Since Genghis Khan , his ancestor was ruling on masses with tyranny , such ruling has created a chasm or emotional outburst from the masses because since long in past , mass grievances were kindling the fire of uprising or protest .

That passion of ruling on masses under the barbarous doctrine of " Might is Right " , brought out a fountain of protest and finally , th masses overthrown and wiped the Mongol kingdom .  He describes the emotional frame - work with every step of gathering passions , motive , urges , their setting up on motor , sympathetic , para sympathetic nsyche ( psychosomatic nerves ) nerves , pollution in perception i.e.  gathering influence from observation of things and manifestation after blue - print drawn by contemplation , several times in obsession .

He ascribes the family and society environment including education system and its application in teaching institution.  The poêt describes passion as shadow of the dome of pleasure.  He says sacred river , the productive and benevolent blue print drawn and acted upon real life situations accepting things as raw material to inter - action and experiments with them .

Its influences , the poet refers by taking himself representative to- " activities driven by positive thinking " and Kubla Khan , representative to despotism in the similar situations .  Difference is merely that of formation of poets mind , an imaginative since childhood and that of Kubla Khan's blind ambition to wage , war , led to massacre , extermination , wiping of people , tumult , reverberations of sigh and cry and thus , establishment of an empire  ie  Nomadic Empires.  Poet's imagination has risen up to , clairvoyance or intuition so mammoth as it'set an empire in - the air - It's sunny dome !  those leaves of ice !  viz.  Enlightened emotional built up and realm of peace everywhere.

However , the poet says Kubla Khan's dome is also sunny but it was only heat / thermal energy part of sun.  It does not give light but heat and seethy.  This negative outburst of emotion, we see in "Yasa" the Constitution drafted by Genghis Khan and later on declared Gandhis Khan's Code of Law by his Successors.  Mass killing , arson , deceit , fraud , tetroristic / subversive all acts were the inspiration of so - called Genghis Khan's Code of Law .  Herein , it has been referred to as " Ancestral voices prophesying war ! " .  Poet's " dome in air " is obtained only when a man is dedicated to intuition to the extent , an equipoise is obtained .

Hence , people avert to contemplation , introspection , review , check and balances anywhere in their action plans .  This tracks have been called by the poet as " Five miles meandering with mazy motion " .  Thus , nobody can see chasm to espionage or spy or pry into them , to see if duality lies there , but always found perserverant to stand unmoved in worldly winds / tornadoes / turbulence , to blue - print ( the life / career- line ) .
162 How sweet is the vision of poet when he sees an Abyssinian ( Ethiopian ) maid with musical instrument ( dulcimer ) playing a song of patriotism ( Mount Abora , the topography ) . There is sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice , i.e peace and harmony everywhere throughout the Abyssinia ( the state of trance ) ,


कवि कहता है कि कुबला खाँ की अन्य देशों पर जीत उसकी निरंकुश शासन के अधीन लोगों पर शासन करने की लालसा से जुड़ी थीं । उसने या उसके आदमियों ने एक विशाल अस्थायी साम्राज्य की स्थापना की थी ।

यह वास्तव में पवित्र नदी आल्फ का असंख्य और इन विभाजित धाराओं का कन्दराओं से गुजरते यानि क्रूरता और नरसंहार । वह राजाज्ञा की तरह मद्यपान में कारुणिक भ्रान्ति का उपयोग करता है । चूँकि उसका पूर्वज चंगेज खाँ अत्याचारपूर्वक शासन करता था , अतः ऐसे शासन ने मतभेद और लोगों के विस्फोट को जन्म दिया है चूँकि अति प्राचीन काल से ही लोगों के कष्ट उत्थान और विरोध की मशाल जलाते रहे थे । ' जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस ' के बर्बरतापूर्ण सिद्धांत के तहत शासन की उत्कंठा के विरोध की धारा खड़ी कर दी और अन्ततः लोगों ने मंगोल राज्य को उखाड़ फेंका और धो - पोछ डाला ।

अनगिनत कन्दराओं के असीम समुद्र रूप में बंटना अन्ततः गिरना था हुए में उत्कंठा पैदा करने वाले प्रत्येक पहलू नीयत , प्रवृति , उत्तेजकों , सहानुभूति , अर्द्धसहानुभूतियुक्त ज्ञान - तंतुओं पर उसकी स्थापना के साथ वह भावनात्मक ढाँचे का वर्णन करता है बार श्रम में चिन्तन द्वारा बनायी गयी छाया प्रति के बाद स्पष्टता और वस्तुओं के पर्यवेक्षण के बाद प्रभाव ग्रहण करना शिक्षण पद्धति तथा शिक्षण संस्थाओं में उसके प्रयोग सहित पारिवारिक और सामाजिक पर्यावेश पर कवि आरोपण करता है । कवि उत्कंठा को गुम्बद रूपी आनंद की छाया के रूप में वर्णन करता है ।

वह पवित्र नदी को उपजाऊ और हितैषी की छाया प्रति कहता जो वास्तविक जीवन की परिस्थितियों से खींची गयी और जो उन परिस्थितियों में क्रियाशील थीं और परिस्थितियाँ वस्तुओं का प्रयोग और अर्न्तसम्बन्ध के प्रति भौतिक रूप में स्वीकार करती हैं | समान परिस्थितियों में अपने को सकारात्मक विचारों से चलाये गये क्रिया - कलापों का तथा कुबला खाँ को निरंकुशवाद का प्रतिनिधि मानकर कवि इसके प्रभावों का जिक्र करता है ।

अन्तर सिर्फ कवि की दिमागी रचना का है जो बचपन से कल्पनाशील है और कुबला खाँ की बचपन में अंधी महत्वाकांक्षा थी बुद्ध करना , नरसंहार करना , विनाश , लोगों को उजाड़ना , बलवा करना , आबाद क्षेत्र को निर्जन करना और इस प्रकार एक साम्राज्य - एक अस्थायी साम्राज्य की स्थापना । कवि की कल्पना परोक्षर्दिशता या अन्तर्ज्ञान से इतना अधिक ऊपर उठ गयी है कि उसने हवा में एक साम्राज्य स्थापित कर दिया — यह सूरज के समान चमकता हुआ साम्राज्य है । वे श्वेत गुफाएँ अर्थात् भावात्मक रूप -से प्रकाशित बनायी गयीं और हर जगह शान्ति का साम्राज्य है । फिर भी , कवि कहता है कि कुबला खाँ का साम्राज्य भी सूरज के समान चमकीला है किन्तु •

इसमें केवल ताप था । यह प्रकाश नहीं देता है बल्कि केवल ताप और उबाल देता है । उत्तेजना का यह नकारात्मक विस्फोट हम ' यासा ' में देखते हैं जो चंगेज खाँ द्वारा बनाया गया संविधान है जिसे बाद में उसके उत्तराधिकारियों ने चंगेज खाँ की कानून संहिता घोषित कर दिया गया । सामूहिक संहार , आगजनी , छल , फरेब आतंकपूर्ण कार्य ये सभी तथाकथित चंगेज खाँ की कानून संहिता की उपज थे । यहाँ ' पूर्वजों की आवाज युद्ध की भविष्यवाणी ' के रूप में इसकी की गयी है । कवि का ' हवा महल ' तभी प्राप्त किया जाता है जब मनुष्य हद तक अन्तज्ञान

के प्रति समर्पित होता है और संतुलन प्राप्त होता है । इसीलिए मनुष्य चिन्तन , आत्मनिरीक्षण , पुनर्विचार , संतुलन और रोध से अपने जीवन की कार्य योजना में कहीं भी बहुत दूर रहता है । उनके मार्ग को कवि द्वारा “ घबराहट भरा भूल - भूलैया " कहा गया है । " कवि का विचार कितना मधुर है जब वह एक इथोपियन लड़की को राष्ट्रगीत वाद्ययंत्र पर । यह सूर्य के समान चमकीला आनंद का राज्य है । यानि अवीसिनिया बजाते हुए देखता है । में हर जगह शान्ति और एकता है ।


Stately pleasure शाही ठाट - बाट , संप्रभुता , Cavern = खड्डा , गुफा , Su Sea = घोर अज्ञान , Twice miles of fertile ground = दश इन्द्रियों सहित एक पुष्ट शरीर , Walls and towers = नियंत्रण एवं चौकसी , Sinuous rills = दुष्कर्म की ओर बढ़ने सरिताएँ , जलधाराएँ , 

Whére blossomed many a incense Bearning tree = शासनतंत्र , Forests ancient = रूढ़ि , विभेद , प्रतिकूलताओं के घने वृक्ष , Greenary = ऐश्वर्य ,  पेड़ के नीचे उगनेवाली घासें , Chasm = दरार , विरोध , Slanted = तिरछा , तिर्यक करना , Ceciarn . क्षीणकाय चन्द्रमा , अशान्ति , अलगाव , cover = देवदार का घना वन , Waning moon = Woman wailing for her demon lover = शासक के प्रति जन आक्रोश , Hynted = आश्चर्यचकित होना , Turmoil = जनआंदोलन , Seething = मानसिक असहाय अवस्था से . ' उत्पन्न ' घृणा , अंतः विद्रोह बनना , Fountain = क्रांतिकारी संगठन , 

Half - intermitted burst = यदा - कदा होनेवाले विद्रोह , दंगे , Rebounding hail = प्रतिक्रिया , Huge fragments = समाज / राष्ट्र के दलों में टुकड़े , Chaffy grain = भूसे सहित खाद्यान्न , Thresher's fail = भूसा अलग करनेवाला मसूज , A gross struggle घोर संघर्ष , Dancing rocks = उपद्रव , Mazy motion = जटिल गति , Five miles = पाँच ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ , Meandering = विघटन , Dale = घाटी , Wood = वन , सामान्य जन , Sank in tumult = उपद्रवों के कारण साम्राज्य का पतन , Lifeless ocean = ब्रह्मांड , 

Ancestral voices = चंगेज खान द्वारा ग्रथित ' यश ' के नियम , वंश / परिवार प्रभाव , Tumult = उपद्रव , Fast thick pants = परेशानी , दुःख , Prophesying : = युद्ध की भविष्यवाणी , Meandering = सर्पिल प्रवाह क्षेत्र बनना , Mingled निरंकुश शासन , Miracle जादू , Dome in air = अदृश्य आत्मा , Sunny dome = ज्ञान का शासन या आक्रोश का शासन , flashing eyes = अन्तर्ज्ञान से विश्लेषित ध्यान , Floating hair = अव्यवस्थित बाह्य चेतना , Milk of Paradise = अमृतपान , सुधापान ।



Read the given stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure - dome decree :Where Alph , the sacred river , ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea .So'twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round :And there were forests ancient as the hills , Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. 

Questions :

( i ) What is Xandu ? 
( ii ) What do you understand by measureless to man ' ? 
( iii ) Why are gardens bright with sinuous rills ?  
( iv ) Which spots of greenery were trapped by forests ancient ? 
( v ) Which were forests ancient ? 
( vi ) What is twice five miles of fertile ground ?


(i) Xanadu is abmigous.  It's a state of trance or meditation or the throne.  One leads to inner conscience, intuition and clairvoyance while the other to autocratic or tyranny ruling. 

(ii) Infinite or uncountable. 

(iii) Inner impulses irrigated or fastened in intrigous water or environment.  Here the poet tells that irrespective of qualification and skills acquired, manis nothing if his family environment is not enlightened.  He will do only misuse of powers, prowess and intuition whatsoever he is trained with. 

( iv ) These were sunny spot , i.e.  the way
 that leads to enlightenment like Gautam Buddha .  As in dense forest , the undergrowth hardly receives the sunlight because of shadow , a mind filled with passions urges etc.  for physical accomplishments cannot perform benevolent acts or efforts to do any good to society.  etc.  

(v) These were prejudices, stereotypes, discrimination, inequality which descend down from the forefathers or ancestors to future generation.  These trees are always tall and exuberant. 

( vi ) Fertile ground is the mind influenced by sensory and executive organs , each in five number , referred to as " twice five miles " .


Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow :

Could I revive within me Her symphony and song , To such a deep delight ,it would win me , That with music loud and long ;  I would build that dome in air , That sunny dome !  those caves of ice ! And all who heard should see them there , And all should cry , Beware !  Beware!  His flashing eyes , his floating hair ! Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread, For he on honeydew hath fed.  And drunk the milk of Paradise .

Questions :
( i ) Why does the poet say- " Could I revive " ?  

( ii ) What does the term sympathy refer to here ? 
( iii ) What is the poet's loud and long music ?  

( iv ) What do you understand by the dome in air ? 
( v ) Why does the poet think , people will say beware !  beware? 
( vi ) What is holy dread ? 
( vii ) What is milk of paradise ? 

( i ) Poets are clairvoyant people who only can feel different than the worldly in their trance , they observe and watch .  Hence the poet here imagines Kubla Khan not with animal instincts but with a man considerate to equity and justice.  It reveals coordination between physiological , intellectual and emotional  people do feel.  They are endowed with prowess and flair for expression whatever

( ii ) It 's streamlining and balance which only a considerate man can maintain .  spiritual aspect of health, which masses enjoy under a conscious ruling system.  i.e.  democracy - not dictatorship. 

(iii) It's the divine song that unites all units of diverse society into integration.  Nobody , feels humiliated and hurt in the state of abiding by rules of peaceful coexistence , natural justice and that of substainable development .  This harmony maintains the extant empire , unhurt and intact from protests, demonstration and emotional outburst of the public in common .. 

( iv ) It is meant by an administration in which people abide by laws not under intimidation or fear tactics but in the air of  free consent.  Every citizenfeels " oneness " with all others irrespective of their diverse faith , belief , manners , rituals and rites .  They are tolerant, suave and civilised.

(v) It is because the path of penance or austerity and perservance is the toughest: A number of restraints, continence, sacrifice are required in order to introduce with things in their perspectives, absolutely different than they are understood by the commoners.  They would not like to raise their head it protest against the dome in air.  The path of austerity begins with numerous sacrifices at physical, mental and emotional levels hence, the poet is free from the fear of infiltration, raid, attack and invasion on that divine throne he has been ascended to rule.  

(vi) It's austerity or penance.  Its mentality at which noble deeds are performed therefore , it is holy but it demands sacrifice , pains numerous !  = attain such disposition.  Therefore, it has been stated as dread by the learned poet. 

(vii) The term milk of paradise is divine pleasure which is felt just after an act in benevolence is done.  The poet says it a nectar that makes the mas mmortal in this all mortal world.


Q. 6. The poem is a fragment.  What do you think has made it a lasting literary piece ? 
Ans.  It is its presentation of supernatural as real.  By virtue of an apt use of parallelism, contrast, pathetic fallacy, oxymoron, paradox and personification S.T.  Coleridge has filled waters of all the seven seas in this pitcher like fragmen Despotism has been severely condemned and flayed by a selection of characters the poet's self and the successor of nomadic empire founded by Genghis Khan i , e .  Kubla Khan. 

Q.1 . Who is Kubla Khan with reference to the theme of the poem?,
Ans.  Kubla Khan represents an individual misdirected by his passions, urges, temptations, commits massacre and bloodshed for expansion of his empire.  Genghis Khan's barbarity is in his blood and he is still known as emperor of "nomadic empire." No doubt, he had managed his persona in concentration not less than an ascetic but all that he abused and misused.  This poem does appreciate but flays the barbarity with mass killing during his life time. 

Q2.  What does the poet say miracle of rare device ? 
Ans.  It's clairvoyance or insight powerful enough to stand juxtapose Kubla Khan , the prominent and powerful ruler of Mongol Dynasty .  Kubla Khan was misdirected at his adolescence, his ancestor Genghis Khan was the brutal ruler.  It was the main reason we may quote for his being astrayed.  Some other reasons attributed to transformation of his genius into murdering intentions to establish dictatorship or tyranny are his being over ambitious, all means ready to use as per independent decision, royal ostentations and habitual to pass decree etc.. The poet is much more than Kubla  Khan because he had established pleasure dome ( empire ) in the air ie  fame earned immortal by virtue of his All poem.  people ( i.e. readers ) in that empire ( volume / work / this poem ) are sunny ( enlightened ) and living in ice caves ( i.e. free from fatigues , stress , stain and frustrations to their minds - An equipoise or equanimity ) .

Q.3 .  " Gardens have been shown bright but irrigated by sinuous rills " .  Why?
Ans.  Garden denotes the environment and in case of Kubia Khan , it was bright because of his being a member to royal family in his adolescence andENGLISH again when he ascended to the throne.  It says his environment in its implication massacre committed by his parent.  In other words, the environment had heard evil because of his being genius.  However , that genius was fed on evil - deeds , i.e.  seeds of negative or subversive thinking in the forms of varied streams if we presume it as garden in its physical existence .  The poet says categorically that in a continuous manner during adolescence and youth.  Luxuries and comforts it is state of Self - Realisation achieved though introspection, review and reform enslave us s gradually and an enslaved to comforts cannot decide in a far way.  Lord Buddha could attain to "Enlightenment" only when he abandoned palatial living and observed austerity for many years after he had abandoned his kingdom.  Sinuous rills are the stereotypes that automatically descend from one generation down to another in a class or dynasty. 

Q.4.  Imagine how is the poet more praiseworthy character than Kubla Khan , a successor of Genghis Khan .
Ans.  We can affirm the poet's being more praise worthy character than Kubla Khan on the following grounds:
(i) Kubla Khan was a king made for achieving shadow of the dome of pleasure while poet was in his clairvoyance interested in setting up a sunny dome of pleasure  . 
(ii) Kubla Khan was stimulated by his sensory organs ten in number.  While it was miracle of a rare device i.e.  intuition or insight that stood as a major stimulant to establish his empire in the air i.e.  glory extended throughout the world and even beyond . 
(iii) Kubla Khan had resorted to all physical means i.e.  river , mountain , fertile ground , rivulets , streams , forests etc.  while the poet took refuge in the nature itself with living people in gaiety represented by Abyssinian maid.
( iv ) Kubla Khan could construct a shadow of the dome of pleasure that too leading through massacre , tumult and turbulence causing disturb to ecosystem , while the poet has constructed a sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice , so catchy and touchy as it touched the  Thus , his empire is extended from Europe to Asia continent . 

Q.5.  " Chasm " the term is ambiguous and the poet has described how malign disposition of a ruler spreads like communicable disease in the people , the commoners " .

Ans. Majority of people are called rabble or commoner when confered with the elite / socialites , the feudatories  , noblemen , the first order as per Three Orders classification of society. These are people with strong belief on system of governance adopted by the king or ruler. In case , the ruler is ailing psychosis or misdirected by the family environment particularly in wealthy and ruling  families ; the decrees passed , policy declared , discretionary powers applied and inflict atrocities upon society to dissolution of once organized.
Herefrom, the decline of a dynasty comes in effect.  Thus , the term chasm refers to one side , a cleft in the rock while fracas and tumult on the others . 

Q. 6. How does the shadow of the dome of pleasure float midway on the # waves ?  Discuss. 
Ans.  Midway denotes the nucleus or an essence of the objective.  It is shadow, not external dome or empire that is made by the poet.  Shadow because it appears as an apparition or hallucination in the strategy of Kubla Khan's mass killing and seizure of the other countries / states in Europe and East Asia .  It was dictatorship established at the edge of sword.  It refers to the target of mere conquests devices by Kubla Khan or an individual , living with prejudices , stereotypes , discrimination and inequality .  Considering that passion so strong , hardly cares the tumult , grievances of masses and applied repressive measures which increase further , the pace of movement and protests.  Thus , the Mongol empire had to meet decline shortly .  Conclusion : Shadow floats midway on the waves thus , refers to a situation when the human conscious is completely given up and converted into malacious intentions.  Such apparition neither listen to reverberation of a mighty fountain nor that of the water rushing in the caves . 


Q1 .  Describe the theme of poem and its apt presentation by imagery and pathetic fallacy ?  
Ans.  The theme of poem is to introduce human beings with the vices or defects that develop at the emotional level of human health.  The poet aptly describes degenerating points at certain circumstances and situations of the conscience.  He systematically describes how viruses of cruelty , passions , possessiveness , timid or submissive ailments inject and either enter in the bosom or imprinted there .  He describes himself as a well-built personality while i that of Kubla Khan's ailing with psychosis. 

He first refers to caverns through which sacred water flows and get.  Sacred water is the conscience and t cognition in real life situations.  Kubla Khan was a cruel emperor because of his blind faith on strategies and plans made by his forefathers and he never tried to reform them or amend according to contemporary real situations.  He maintained the tradition of conquests by the force of sword, not by winning the heart of masses by his benevolent acts.  Our sensory organs i.e.  eyes , ear , nose , and tongue observe the worldly things through their vision , audition , olfaction , kinaethesis and gesticulation faculties .  These are the most sensitive and susceptible to wordly evils.  It is because every mischief appears for a short term.  exhilarating viz.  there lies an allurement in wrongful or subversive acts. 

The learned poet has cryptic way explained how does the sacred water runs through caves down to a sunless sea or gross ignorance and destruction sinuous rills and the violent impulses and cynicism.  He refers to savage place ;  the state where differences are generated in the minds of the masses " Kubla skin
, Khan hers ancestral voices prophesying war " . " Sinuous rills " , " many an insense bearing tree " , " vaulted like rebounding hail " etc. images create a curiosity and challenge to enter in clairvoyance to meet the poet in his manner o contemplation and  meditation on human instincts , impulses , sentiments_ emotions and their expression or manifestation in material and metaphysica erritories ie the sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice.

He says Kubla Khan and the poet both have the same genius, same circumstances, but manifestation of their conative aspects  of personality is with sheer difference. This is the reason " Nomadic Empires " are confined to some pages in history of barbaric culture and the scene of dictatorship just appears before eyes while the poet as psychiatrist , would enable the students of senior secondary level, ie  the adolescence and post - adolescence period , keeping their sensory organs under good control , develops introspection and review in their life  vocabulary and gradually maintains a process alive to confess / concede / understand things in their real nature / status and act under discretion upon the living present.  Its selection for the course reveals NCERT's objective to bring out formation of thoughts in human mind, their proliferation and sprouting and finally, their appearance in activities.  There are attractive things used as imagery by the poet here. 

 The entire nature with its all objects like caverns , sacred river , mountains , fountains , rocks , hails , chasm , gardens , girdled round etc.  and cryptic words like twice five miles for the ten senses in human body that bring the blue - printed drawn by joint summit of reflexes , endocrine glands , reverberation inside ( explosion ) of cells , the sympathetic , para - sympathetic , psychie , psychosomatic and somatic  nerves - out before society , the scene of murder , mass killing or massacre , deceit , defraud , crooks , scams and stunts .

Conclusion - Learned poet and the " sunny pleasure dome " he had made in the air , always vibrant and inspiring to every living molecule of this universe , supreme and immortal while the " sunny pleasure dome " with " shadow of dome of pleasure "  built by Kubla Khan, the despot is the meanest.  Former is as all citizens ( readers ) of that realm are enlightened or supposed their being pathfinder to Enlightenment .  It is with ice caves i.e.  in their minds , reined well from its fickle flight and in peace .  The latter is sunny i.e.  sunshine viz.  material heat portion of the sun, not that of light (as present in former).  It scroches , dries , palpitates , hence , people feel soffocation and uneasy in summer , the same way as they feel under the rule of despot .  The ice caves in that sunny pleasure dome are the seeing of people or the conspiracy knitting stage of mass movement .  The society divided in fractions are these caves wherein , intrigues and conspiracies are knitted under influence of jealousy , envy , pride , fury and ego .

इसे भी पढें-


I am a story writer. I can write very interesting and impressive story

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