Ncert Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem summary | Emily Dickinson | question answer | mcq

Ncert Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem summary | Emily Dickinson | question answer | mcq

TREES -Emily Dickinson ( 1830-1886 ) 

INTRODUCTION - Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem 

Ncert Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem summary | Emily Dickinson | question answer | mcq
Ncert Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem summary | Emily Dickinson | question answer | mcq

Emily Dickinson was a famous poetess of English literature . She is renowned for unconven - tional capitalisation and frequent use of dashes in his poetry has composed it in lyric style . She has described the trees as representatives of the miniature creatures including commoners ( i.e. common people engaged with blue collar jobs ) . At the one hand , she has taken summer for description , but on the other hand ; she explains it as summer in the lives of commoners . She states that no doubt , the sun or truth is with them but enfolded or wrapped frequently by the clouds . It is because commoners line in a state of tyranny and despotism wherein their acts and they themselves are destined to the live neglected . According to poet , it is the estates of cloud which has allured the sun to live inside that estate throughout the day .

SUMMARY- Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem 

An introvert poetess Emily Dickinson refers trees . It's nature of trees that their boughts dash at each other and do motion to and fro with the gusts of strong wind . She takes this motion and a song from miniature creatures . That song is enamoring in the ear , but the gigantic or elite creatures do not satisfy and have no tongue to applaud them . The dark shadow of trees has been presumed as the cloud . As the boughs are moving to and fro frequently with gust of summer wind , the frequency of sun shine on miniature creatures grown under the trees is varied . 

Sometimes , the boughs allow the sun to shine on ground with full flash of beams some other time , half an then leave it completely in darken he says that shadow or ignorance prevails on the sunlight . the It's the estate of cloud ( ignorance ) that commands the sun . Whenever , it deems fit to call out , it calls and at its will , checks his entry whenever , it so deems fit for the growth of orchards . Thus , she says it is orchard of ignorance grown in the absence of sun - shine . She says , there are chaos everywhere . 

Birds have left their nest in the trees and sitting carelessly on fence or accompany them in strect gossips . The snake has left winding round a stone and replaced it for the silver matter . She described common events of nature as cruel some owing to ambiguity . She says that the calyx bears perfume only at its border and not inside i.e. a tricky / refers to mob - protest with the use of adjectival noun i.e. Hundred flags . She astute mentality of the affluent class of society .

 According to her , the people books . They will never like her specific discription on summers . She refers it intoxicated on passions can see only the external form of the summer or read on " How mean- to those " .

" कविता का सारांशClass 12 kaleidoscope trees poem 

एक मननशील कवयित्री एमिली डिकिन्सन यहाँ वृक्षों की चर्चा करती है । वृक्षों का स्वभाव है कि उनकी शाखाएँ एक - दूसरे से टकराती हैं और प्रबल वायु के झोंकों के साथ इधर - उध झूलती हैं । वह इस गति को छोटे जीवों के संगीत के रूप में लेती हैं । यह गीत कानों को प्रिय लग रहा है , किन्तु विशालकाय या बड़े - जीवों ( मनुष्यों के पास उनकी प्रशंसा के लिए भाष नहीं है और वे संतुष्ट नहीं होते हैं । वृक्षों की काली छाया की कल्पना बादल के रूप में की गयी है । जब ग्रीष्म की हवा के झोंको के साथ शाखाएँ इधर - उधर झूलती हैं , तब वृक्षों के नीचे पलने वाले छोटे जीवों पर सूर्य की चमक की तीव्रता बदल जाती है । 

कभी - कभी शाखाएँ सूर्य को प्रकाशपुंज की पूरी चमक के साथ जमीन पर चमकने ( आने ) की अनुमति देती हैं और कभी आधा और कभी पूरी तरह उसे ढँक लेती हैं । वह कहती है कि छाया या अज्ञानता धूप पर हावी रहती है । यह बादलों की स्थिति ( अज्ञानता ) है जो सूर्य पर शासन करता है । जब चाहता है अपनी इच्छानुसार उसे बुलाता ( बाहर निकालता है , उसके प्रवेश को रोकता है जब कभी वह सोचता है कि बागों के विकास के लिए बहुत उपयुक्त है । इस प्रकार वह ( कवयित्री ) कहती है कि धूप की अनुपस्थिति में पनपा हुआ यह अज्ञानता का बाग । वह कहती है कि हर जगह उथल पुथल है । पक्षियों ने पेड़ों पर के घोंसले छोड़ दिये हैं और लापरवाह होकर बाड़ों ( घेरों ) पर बैठते हैं या उन्हें सड़क छाप बातों में साथ देते हैं । 

साँप ने पत्थर के चारों ओर कुंडली मारना छोड़ दिया है और उसको किसी चमकीले पदार्थ में बदल लिया है । वह प्रकृति की सामान्य घटनाओं का अज्ञानता अन्य निर्दयता के रूप में वर्णन करती है । वह जन - विरोध की चर्चा विशेषणयुक्त संज्ञा यानि सौ पताकाएँ- के रूप में करती है , वह कहती है कि पुटचक्र ( कली का ) बाहरी आवरण ) के किनारे गंथ रहती है न कि भीतर यानि समाज के समृद्ध वर्ग की धूर्त ) मनोवृत्ति । कवयित्री के अनुसार , लोग उत्तेजना के नशे में ग्रीष्म के केवल बाहरी रूप को देख सकते हैं या किताबों में पढ़ सकते हैं । ग्रीष्म पर उसका विशेष वर्णन वे कभी पसंद नहीं करेंगे । वह उनलोगों को “ कितना नीचा " कहकर इंगित करती है यानि बहुत नीचा ।


Miniature Creature = लघु प्राणी , Psalteries स्रोत / भजन संहिता , Enamoring मोहित करना , remotest = सर्वाधिक अप्रिय , Interval = अवकाश , मध्यान्तर , Enfold = आवृत्त करना , ढँक लेना , Ete.nally = टिकाऊ , शाश्वत , Gossip = फिजूल बातें करना है . Hundred flags = द्वैध दर्ताव , आंतरिक रोष का युक्तिपूर्ण शांत प्रदर्शन , Spices in the Hem = आडंबर युक्त स्वल्प गुण , Slit = चीरना , फाड़ना , Calyx = बाह्यदलपुंज , फूल बाह्य - पंखुड़ी , Mean = नगण्य , तुच्छ , Delineation = प्रस्तुतीकरण , चित्रण , Tassels = टहनियों के गुच्छे  की I

(STANZAS FOR COMPREHENSION )Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem 


Read the given stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The Trees like Tassels hit - and - swung There seemed to rise a Tune · From Miniature Creatures Accompanying the Sun Far Psalteries of Summer Enamoring the Ear They never yet did satisfy Remotest - when most fair .

Questions :

( i ) How is the time rising ?
( ii ) Who are miniture creatures with the sun ? ( iii ) Which are psalteries of summer ?
( iv ) Who are they " here " ?
( v ) Why did they not satisfy the miniature creatures ?
( vi ) Which things enamore the ear ?

Answers :

( i ) It is rising due to sudden collision of boughs with each other in strong wind . It is collision of interest among elites or socialites .
( ii ) These are in perception , the insects , birds , bacterias etc. while government and the commoners in their implied meaning .
( iii ) Here is sarcasm because music or psalm has no place during summer . Its scorching heat , loo and numerous ailments do not provide the people so pleasure as they would appreciate the sun through music and psalms . Poetess says that it is summer yet not felt so by the miniature creatures .
( iv ) These are elites or socialities i.e. the group of a few affluent people who have no honour or compassion for the tune of miniature creatures . These are trees here .
( v ) It is because the dense shadow had barred their proper development . It was unnatural condition of living . Outwardly , shelter of this type was good for them because they were getting proper maintenance and defence but their tune is an artificial or flattery like , that refers summer as pleasant season . It is enamoring the ear while at the root , this tune is that of annoyance .
( vi ) Things like melodious sound , the speech , good news , thrilling music etc. are enamore to the ear .


Read the given stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The Sun shone whole at intervals Then Half - then utter hid As if Himself were optional And had Estates of Cloud Sufficient to enfold Him Eternally from view Except it were a whim of His To let the Orchards grow .

Questions :
( i ) Why does the sun play hide and seek ?
( ii ) What does the word " optimal " refer to here ?
( iii ) What does imply from the word " enfold " Here ?
( iv ) What are intervals ?
( v ) What was the estate of cloud ?
( vi ) Which are orchards ?

Answers :
( i ) It's not sun but the dense clump of trees the group of socialites who conceal the reality in order to keep commoner's unaware of their designs .
( ii ) It refers to dereliction of duty and selfish attitude which is found in modern bureaucracy and representation of public . It reveals slothful and dull attitude .
( iii ) It's a hiding and concealing effort . Conceit and deceit are the results of such erfolding . ( iv ) Intervals are generally accepted in movie , schools , offices etc. where any preplanned project is dealt with by students and teachers , employees and employers etc. Here it is false show of sunlight through commissions , committees etc. constituted by the government in order to appease the commoner , i.e. the miniature creatures in this poem .
( v ) Actually , it was not estate of cloud but the dense shadow of trees that creates a mirage of being it a cloud estate . It's unnatural or artificial environment that generally created by socialites alias tręcs here .
( vi ) Orchards are the clump of trees of the groups of elites or administrators , i.e. the entire system of governance . The bureaucrats , representatives , affluents , business tycoons and industrialists are that orchard .


Read the given stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow :

A Bird sat careless on the fence One gossiped in the Lane On silver matters charmed snake Just winding round a Stone . Natural habitat of a bird is in the forest .
Questions :
( i ) Why is the bird careless ?
( ii ) What does the gossip in the lane refer to ? ( iii ) What is snake here ?
( iv ) What does the word " stone " imply ?

Answers :
( i ) It's because all creatures have become arbitrary due to lapses at the fence but in the estate of cloud , she has forgotten her right place .
( ii ) It refers to rumours , hoax etc. generally , spread by mircreants in the state of lawlessness . This is done in order to evoke people's sentifnents and riots , massacre , and offensive , subversive activities are the end results .
( ii ) " Snake " denotes the conspirators , astutes shrewds . They construct plot to cheat , deceive , befool others .
( iv ) The word stone implies the real place of snakes i.e. , heartless or unkind .level of governance .


Read the given stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow

Bright Flowers slit n Calyx And soared upon c . Stem Like Hindered Flugs - Sweet hoisted With Spices in the Hem Twas more I can..ot mention How mean to those that see Vandyke's Delineation Of Nature's - Summer Day !
Questions :
( i ) What are bright flowers ?
( ii ) What are spices ?
( iii ) What are hundred flags ?
( iv ) Why does the poetess say it unimportant to who read nature's summer ?
( v ) What is Vandyke's delineation of summer ? ( vi ) Why was this revelation more than usual ?

Answers :
( i ) These are human passions and urges all upridled in the state of lawlessness . Looting of ballot boxes , alluring voters , extorting money to raise questions in parliament , perjury , getting murder committed by hired miscreants , alluring students ' organisations concerns to get subversive acts done by them etc. are the acts these bright flowers do . They pierce epi - calyx to come on surface .
( ii ) Spices are like baits to the fish in order to allure them to hook . These are consisting of money , promotion , assurances of employment etc. all illegal and illicit way . These are at the border of the flag hoisted by the so - called bright flowers .
( iii ) Hundred flags denotes mis - directed emotional outbursts that cause violence , bloodshed etc. subversive activities e.g. here it is piercing the calyx . abstract form i.e. corruption in bureaucracy and representation with its impact .
( iv ) It is unusual imagery in which poetess has delineated summer in its on commoner i.e. common people .
( v ) It's simple and common . Summer is hardly made topic for poem by any poets . It is because of scorching heat , 100 blowing , perpiration slothness , numerous ailments , being the components or ingredient of summer . It's the real virus entraps all authorities at the helm . The common people are the most
( vi ) It was because spread of corruption leaves no stone unmoved . Its delineation of summer . Sufferer in that state of lawlessness .


Q. 1. What imagery does the poet use to delineate summer's day more picture squely than any painter could ? 
Ans.  Summer's day - Imagery
( i ) Storms are frequented during summer in which trees ( tassel here ) are uprooted and collide .  [ Tassels hit and swung ]
( ii ) The wind growls at its fastest motion ( to rise a tune ) . 
( iii ) When these winds are at their fastest speed ( velocity ) these spread devastation viz .  collapse of houses and other structures , cries of people killed in debris etc.  ( never satisfy remotest when most fair )
( iv ) Sun is covered by dust flown from the earth ( sun shone whole , then half , then utter hid ) . 

Q.2 .  What do you understand by Psalteries of summer ? 
Ans.  It is the sound of growling, clattering, screeching and cracking that generates due to winds blown in high velocity.  In the negative sense , it is repressive measures practiced / exercised by the tyranny king / emperor in which people are killed , wiped and exterminated mercilessly. 

Q. 3. In which lines are creatures attributed with human qualities ?  How does this add to the beauty of the summer's day ? 
Ans.  These lines are -
(i) A Bird sits on the fence and gossips in the lane. 
(ii) A snake is charmed by silver matters and winding round a stone. 
( iii ) Bright flowers slit a calyx . 
(iv) Vandyke's delineation. 

Q.4.  How would you explain the image of the " Hundred Flags " ? 
Ans .  Generally, flowers are folded within the flag before it is unfurled in special national festivals and functions as well.  In the same imagery, the learned poetess tells that the virtues or vices as per positive or negative bent of disposition formed/acquired by adolescents during their infancy and teenage attainment to the stage of manifestation.  It happens when the transition period is over .  Bright flowers or adolescents who have duly met to self - realisation, start revealing their qualities through noble - deeds while the dull ones are involved in committing crimes and offenses. 

Q.5.  Why are the pronouns referring to the sun capitalised ? 
Ans.  These pronouns are people of different hues and their manifestation of qualities is possible only when the sun viz.  endower of light and heat (energy power) shines.  It is because in the absence of the sun, growth of any kind is impossible.  All types of energies ( kinetic , mechanical , thermal , tideal , geothermal etc. ) are merely transformed features of the energy received through the sun This is the reason , all pronouns refer to the sun capitalized here in the poem

Q.6.  Give examples from the poem to show that great poetry is a result of close observation of natural phenomena.
Ans.  The term " phenomena " refers to a fact or an event in nature or society especially one that is not fully understood or mysterious in itself.  Poets are clairvoyant and only able to see and disclose these facts vested in the nature events or in society.  The poetess here is introvert and lives a hermetic life viz.  she has made in depth observation of natural phenomena both in plant and animal kindgoms (including human beings).  Trees accompanying the sun have been shown as the so - called socialite or elite class (including rulers / emperors ) of the society who inflict atrocities in an overt and secret manner and victims to their atrocity / persecution either cry / wail loudly or see the within  .  The very thing at the level of plant kingdom or the inert nature ( environment ) , reveals the storms that take place in the summer.  These tornados or cyclones uproot the trees and they destroy the undergrowth ( creepers , small plants , bushes etc. ) , the buildings , structures and bring in death to birds , reptiles , worms , animals ( pet and wild both ) including human beings .  Thus , herein also , the trees being in havoc to all organisms of this world .  Another example is that this ruling class ( or trees here ) holds the sun ( endower of light and heat for growth ) in its fist .  It appears to the masses as if the sun is enslaved by this ruling class or trees.  It allows the sun ( cruelty in the form of atrocity , repression , suppression etc. ) to shine with scorching heat for a while in order to shut the tongues of masses ( ie curfews , bans , emergencies , decrees to snatch the freedom of press and  expression).  At an another time , it is allowed to shine half ( reward / incentive to supporters while punishment to uprisers / protesting people in a big pomp and show ) and at some other time the sun is not allowed to shine even with a streak of its ray  ( viz. scams , stunt , espionage mis - appropriation of public fund - all at the back of masses leaving them in ignorance or dark ) .  When we talk on the next aspect of implication the trees while in their mazy motions, allow the sun to shine with full light for undergrowth (i.e. creepers, bushes etc.) because motion of twigs and branches leave sufficient space between them.  However, when the air is not blowing, these do not allow the sun rays to shine on the surface. 


Q. 1. What do you sec in application of by " Trees like Tassels " . 
Ans.  It's an acute and " emotion - hitting " sarcasm applied by introvert and hermetic product , the poetesss Emily Dickinson . 

Q. 2. Imagine why " Tassels " not " bar " preceding " hit " ? 
Ans.  Here we see estrogenous characteristics of poetess in her persona as the term " tassels " imply a device for interior decoration at motor nerve as an attractive bunch of fabrics of varied colors made .  The same effects we see when she says " trees " in place of " so called elites and socialites " of society of the personalities at helm of affairs i.e.  governing system, a democracy or any kind of arrangement.  " Hit " implies the exploitation of so - called rabble , in tone and under tactics of so - called elites or socialites .  In this implied meaning , the poetess has snapped a scene of bureaucratic and representatives united in collusion for exploitation of rabble or commoners : the poor mass . 

Q3.  Who are miniature creatures ? 
Ans.  Miniature creatures are the masses .  The term " sun " denotes " administration " or manifestation of an ideal network palpitating prudent application " not literal " but dyed in " equity and justice " not seen in it " Psuedoscope ".  The scene here however, is that of psuedoscope. 

Q. 4. " Far psalterics of summer " enamoring the ear reveals " sloth authorities " how ? 
Ans.  It's an emotional contemplation of poetess that touches the water of her perseverance in approach and comes to public through poem.  It is that rabbles have been made habitual by bureaucracy and representation i.e.  executives to live in luxury - fluctuate up and down and then be victim like children in case of Nithari Village in vicinity or as electron to Delhi atom when we assume the capital city of India like an impulse of territorial nucleus.  It's shadow that pollutes the mind and emotional essence or in other words, resplendence if the adolescents feel or an environment under parents.  lead them to euphoria.  It keeps them away from the smelter of the real world in which sooner or later, they would have to come and thus, their experience under psuedo shelter, becomes the strong cause for their suffering.  It's an age wherein scientific study of all external and internal science necessary to understand virus in which bookish study serves an icon's part, not less of much than this.  It lead us with concerned subjects under a syllabus i.c.  an integral part of Education Policy.  It's an exclusive project which we see manifested in society as wide as nation, world and universe as a whole. 

Q.5.  Who did not satisfy remotest when most fair ? 
Ans.  Resolution turns into luxury - It is misdirected because it should make the person active, smart, industrious, tolerant, suave and just.  It takes the form of a hunger , day - to - day increasing as persons living under shadow lose doing assessment or review of themselves .  The poetess conveys a message that whatever the charms obtained under shadow , they lead gradually to gross ignorance and emotional outburst in the form of murder , threat , rape , kidnap etc.  heinous crimes.  It happens because passions are negative transformation drained, abused and just locked in a box.  This state gives seethe and emotional of cognition in which intellectual and emotional aspects of human health are out bursts time to time like Tsunamis, tornado and earthquakes is the results.

ENGLISH - XII : Text for detailed study ( KALEIDOSCOPE )Class 12 kaleidoscope trees poem 


Q. 1. Discuss how beautifully has the poetess described the cryptic scenario of " administration " and its carrier ( bureaucrats ) weeping in  loops of representatives in a coalition government in the name of democracy .

Ans. The poetess has imagined a situation in which not organisms and plants that grow under the shade of evergreen trees in a densest forest but commoners ie public in common living an  average life. They are habitual of watching the tree boughs at apex that allow sunlight to reach at them only when their cynicism so desires.  aving their strong grip on sunlight .  Here , she impliedly says that administration understood by its carriers ( i.e. bureaucrats ) , during their perseverance or penance , for so long years proves in reality , a song by bard who is habitual or made habitual to see light in the realm of ignorance .  Coalition due to duality at emotional level which is found in authorities , is very ridiculous - says the poetess.  sloth iter of s that en ie n like when It's really clairvoyance of poetess that can see rabble or the shadow growing plants and organisms otherwise , in every age ;  the people of third world live without complaint anyway and it is only the last stage when these commoners, exhibit their emotional outburst in the form of one or other proportionately petty or gravious crimes.  other arents orld in Conclusion In her clairvoyance , the poetess has disclosed the condition rience of undergrowth is the forest in device but at the same time , she has blown an acute axe on bureaucracy imprisoned by executives who represent the rabble Sary to or commoners.  less of i.e.  a

Q. 2. How does the poetess describe the responses of some sensible and some other rude in the state of chaos that generally develops in a system ? 

Ans.  The poetess has very aptly nominated the two specific organisms i.e.  abird and a snake from the same realm i.e.  the densest forest or democracy .  As birds are directly in touch with real application of the term "administration" i.e.  sun unbiased ;  they silently fly to other place i.e.  fence and sit there without latigues and stress in their minds.  This they do because their clairvoyance is able to preguess the dire - results or consequences of such lawlessness.  The to grower species or reptile , i.e.  a snake symbolises habitual to realm of shadow but powerful more than the other organisms in the forest.  It abandons its realm ( i.e. forest ) under influence of passion for coiling around silver bar in place of a stone .  Action of bird and a snake are therefore, all apparent here. 


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