ncert class 12 english eveline solutions | Eveline summary Class 12

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ncert class 12 english eveline solutions| Eveline summary Class 12 - एवलीन class 12 Summary

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ncert class 12 english eveline solutions Eveline summary Class 12eveline questions and answers

Eveline short story describe in easy writting format-

Introduction -

James Joyce  was of famous short story writer of  English language this fiction highlights mental conflict of a spinster , 

who sees herself uncomfortable during her pre-marital phase of life after puberty in general and domestic  incongruous

 environment in  particular title is also  indicative and  dept. it dessects what a spinster does at her mental level at a stage when her present is not left so pleasing as the fast  was and when she starts weighing in balance

 boyfriend and her home the liabilities etc. this fiction is written by a major literature figure of the first quarter of the 20th century James Joyce he is craft of narration is praiseworthy because in this fiction he was proved a topic in

 visible and in the form of mental conflict can be converted in a fiction so tasty as every individual at his her pre marital stage of life can see himself in the mirror of the plot of this fiction , 

eveline the term indicates a stage of trance when the mind dwindles at an eleventh hour of important decision but cannot get their

 courage to plunge open the course of action so decided this indicated himself prejudiced mmind also attachment for the past.

summary of ncert class 12 english eveline solutions

The virgin's name is Miss Hill or somewhere eveline. she had lost her mother before she could see her prime and father was 

 incongruous to her Outlook and choices her playmates were  Derines, Waters, the Dunns, Keogh(perhaps dogs) and her brother and sister.

 This complete fiction is a free collection in State of Trance. she was gradually separated from Tizzie Dunn because he was death and waters had gone back to England .

the field in which she played was also bought by a man from Belfast and building multi stories was constructed there.

She describe what think on the items kept in the house acquaintance with father and that every things including avenue and the land sea handler domestic liability in full, 

after the death of her mother and visit to stores where perhaps she walked as sales girl .she hands over the full money earn monthly basis from the stores and her brother Harry also send his monthly earning but ,

 her father criticises her when she ask some money as pocket expense. Ernest, her another brother is dead  premature. In these circumstance, 

she  feels uneasiness and want to elope with her boyfriend Frank, who is a sailor in Allen line ship that takes departure from Ireland to Canada.

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this she things to do when Evan on indirect telling about Frank, her father scold her and for that his daughter to have anything to say to him the native country of that seller was in Buenos Aires I.e. a port city in Argentina (South America ) that port falls near La Plata. Thus she feels unsafe her at home and has decided to elope with Frank from Dublin in Ireland to you Buenos Aires (South America ) .

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she observe all equalities in Frank as he was expert in music, generous, manly and open hearted . They had decided to ship from Dublin on a night and she had already reached at not well at Deck. In this meantime, Her conscience resist her from  stepping out of our country with the boyfriend. she is frightened of social Enigma, rumours ,worried of fer father's  health. her responsibility as sole Garden to her to younger siblings and worried of her service stores. these all things start rotating in her conscious and she gives up that idea to with Frank.

she heart Frank calling her by name in the station mournful whistle of the board but see watchet helplessly the black mass of the boat lying in beside the quay well ,with illuminate potholes she feel as if Frank has held her hand and pulling towards station but she could not leave her grip on the railing. However she finally declined to go with frank in the native land at Buenos Aires ( South America)

Hindi explaination ncert class 12 english eveline solutions

परिचय -

  जेम्स जॉयस अंग्रेजी भाषा के प्रसिद्ध लघुकथाकार थे, यह कथा एक स्पिनर के मानसिक संघर्ष को उजागर करती है, जो सामान्य रूप से यौवन के बाद अपने जीवन के पूर्व-वैवाहिक चरण के दौरान खुद को असहज महसूस करता है, और विशेष रूप से शीर्षक में घरेलू असंगत वातावरण भी सूचक और विभागीय है।

  यह दर्शाता है कि एक स्पिनर अपने मानसिक स्तर पर एक मंच पर क्या करता है, जब उसका वर्तमान इतना अधिक सुखदायक नहीं रह जाता है जब वह संतुलन प्रेमी और अपने घर की देनदारियों आदि में वजन करना शुरू कर देता है।

  20 वीं शताब्दी के जेम्स जॉयस की पहली तिमाही में उन्होंने कथा का शिल्प प्रशंसनीय है क्योंकि इस कथा में उन्हें दृश्य में एक विषय साबित किया गया था और मानसिक संघर्ष के रूप में एक कथा में इतना स्वादिष्ट रूप में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है 

कि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपने पूर्व वैवाहिक जीवन में स्वादिष्ट हो  जीवन की अवस्था इस कथा के कथानक के आईने में खुद को देख सकती है, शब्द ईवलिन ट्रान्स के एक चरण को इंगित करता है।

जब मन महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय के ग्यारहवें घंटे में घटता है, लेकिन कार्रवाई के दौरान खुलने का साहस नहीं जुटा पाता है इसलिए यह निर्णय लिया  खुद को पूर्वाग्रहित मिमीइंड का संकेत दिया, अतीत के लिए भी लगाव।

सारांश of ncert class 12 english eveline solutions

वर्जिन का नाम मिस हिल या कहीं इवेलिन है।  उसने अपनी माँ को खो दिया, इससे पहले कि वह अपने प्रमुख को देख पाती और पिता उसके आउटलुक के प्रति असंगत थे 

और उसके प्लेयर्स थे डेरेन्स, वाटर्स, दन्स, केओघ (शायद कुत्ते) और उसके भाई और बहन।  

यह पूरा कथा साहित्य ट्रान्स में एक नि: शुल्क संग्रह है।  वह धीरे-धीरे टिज़ी डन से अलग हो गई थी क्योंकि वह मर गया था और पानी वापस इंग्लैंड चला गया था।

 जिस क्षेत्र में वह खेला गया था वह भी बेलफास्ट के एक व्यक्ति द्वारा खरीदा गया था और वहां बहु कहानियों का निर्माण किया गया था।

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वह वर्णन करती है कि पिता के साथ घर की परिचित वस्तुओं में क्या सोच है और यह कि उसकी माँ की मृत्यु के बाद एवेन्यू और भूमि सी हैंडलर घरेलू देयता सहित हर चीज, जिसमें वह सेल्स गर्ल के रूप में चली गई थी, 

शायद हाथों में थी।  पूरा पैसा दुकानों से मासिक आधार पर कमाते हैं और उनके भाई हैरी भी अपनी मासिक कमाई भेजते हैं लेकिन, उनके पिता ने जेब खर्च के रूप में कुछ पैसे मांगने पर उनकी आलोचना की।  

अर्नेस्ट, उसका एक और भाई समय से पहले मर चुका है।  इन परिस्थितियों में, वह बेचैनी महसूस करती है और अपने प्रेमी फ्रैंक के साथ रहना चाहती है, जो एलन लाइन जहाज में एक नाविक है जो आयरलैंड से कनाडा के लिए प्रस्थान करता है।

  यह वह करने की बात है जब इवान अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से फ्रैंक के बारे में बता रहा है, उसके पिता ने उसे डांटा और उसके लिए उसकी बेटी को उस विक्रेता के मूल देश ब्यूनस आयर्स में कहने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं था।

  अर्जेंटीना (दक्षिण अमेरिका) का एक बंदरगाह शहर जो ला प्लाटा के पास है।  इस प्रकार वह उसे घर पर असुरक्षित महसूस करती है और उसने आयरलैंड के डबलिन से फ्रैंक के साथ ब्यूनस आयर्स (दक्षिण अमेरिका) जाने का फैसला किया है।

  वह फ्रैंक में सभी समानताएं मानते हैं क्योंकि वह संगीत, उदार, मर्दाना और खुले दिल के थे।  उन्होंने एक रात को डबलिन से जहाज करने का फैसला किया था और वह पहले से ही डेक पर ठीक से नहीं पहुंची थी।  

इस बीच, उसकी अंतरात्मा ने उसे प्रेमी के साथ हमारे देश से बाहर जाने से रोक दिया।  वह सोशल एनिग्मा से भयभीत है, अफवाहों से, फेर पिता के स्वास्थ्य से चिंतित है। 

 छोटे भाई-बहनों और उनके सेवा भंडारों की चिंता करने के लिए एकमात्र गार्डन के रूप में उनकी जिम्मेदारी।  ये सभी चीजें उसके चेतन में घूमने लगती हैं और वह फ्रैंक के साथ उस विचार को छोड़ देती है।

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  वह दिल से फ्रैंक को बोर्ड के स्टेशन शोकाकुल सीटी में नाम से बुलाती है, लेकिन कुएं को असहाय रूप से देखती है, जो नाव के काले द्रव्यमान को कुएं के पास लेटी हुई है, 

रोशन गड्ढों के साथ वह ऐसा महसूस करती है जैसे फ्रैंक ने उसका हाथ पकड़ लिया है और वह स्टेशन की ओर खींच रही है लेकिन वह  रेलिंग पर अपनी पकड़ नहीं छोड़ सका। 

 हालांकि उसने आखिरकार ब्यूनस आयर्स (दक्षिण अमेरिका) में मूल भूमि में फ्रैंक के साथ जाने से मना कर दिया।

Textual question and answer ncert class 12 english eveline solutions

Very short answer

1.Why did awaiting review all the familiar  as object at home?  did awaiting review all the familiar  as object at home?

Ans=It was because she had decided to elope with her boyfriend Frank a sailor under a Allan line. 

Thus she would start living in  Buenos Aires insteat of Dublin. The sea change in life she was going to bring clandestinely in and not with constant of her parent and the society .

2 .where was Eveline planning to go?

Ans - she was going Buenos Aires a port city in Argentina of South America with her boyfriend Frank, a sailor in a shipping company. it was secret plan.

3.who was Frank ? why did eveline father quarrel with him?

Ans- Frank was sailor in a shipping company. he was earning 8 pondsmonthly.  

His native country was Argentina in South America at port city  Buenos Aires. he was talkative and took Eveline as granted without period meeting with her father. 

He allured her to elope with his hence, we are uncertain on being his good character .

short answer type questionncert class 12 english eveline solutions

1. imaging why in Evelyn interested in watching the evening?

Ans - Human emotion require stimulants for evoking factors congruent to them. 

Eveline has given word to her lover that she will go with him the next morning and they will go Argentina in South America . 

It was  an important decision, hence the view reference on the circumstance extend in the prospective, was essential.

2.what message does the author wants to give his readers?

Ans- the author wants to refer the magnificence  of review of The acts/ plans all in an unbiased way.

 in technique, you it exhibits the process of a thorough revision of the draft proposal before ordering for their blueprint.

 In psychology, it is capted introspection prior to set on act upon the decision An unbiased review or  introspection of the thing Makes 

ex- facie the picture of the plan or decision taken the haste and the individual can duly amend or  rectify the same.

Long answer type question ncert class 12 english eveline solutions

Q.1: In this story, name two characters that Evelyn liked and loved, and two did not like them.  What were the reasons for his feelings towards her?

  Ans: Evelyn loved and loved her mother and Frank.  They both held an important place in Evelyn's life.

  Her mother believed that the family was above everything, it would provide them comfort and she would tolerate the atrocities inflicted on her by her husband. 

 Frank was a ray of hope for a better future away from his love and present misery.

  She did not like her father and Miss Gavan, as they were both involved in her sufferings and were harsh towards her. 

 Her father would get drunk and treat her inappropriately, while Miss Gavan made sure to criticize her on every occasion.

  Q.2: Describe the conflict of emotions felt by Evelyn on the day she decided to live with Frank.

  Answer: When Evelyn decided to live with her lover, things were not easy for her, as all the pleasant memories of childhood, flashed before her eyes.  

She felt indifferent about Harry and Ernest and had left the house long ago.  The music played by the organ player reminded her of her mother.

  She was constantly fighting with her feelings, while on the one hand, she could not wait to start a respectable life with her lover, on the other hand, she was constantly troubled by the promise made to the mother.

  Q.3: How do you think Evelyn let go of the opportunity to escape?

  Answer: Her responsibility to her family kept her from staying away from Frank.  

Promised to keep her family with her mother and not let him separate, which was why she gave up the idea of ​​running away with Frank.  

Her duty to the family proved to be a greater force than running away for her own happiness.

   Q.4: What are the signs of Evelyn's indecision that we see as the hour of Frank's passing?

  Ans: When the hour of departure with Frank drew near, Evelyn began to feel distressed

 and walked out of fear as to whether she was doing the right thing.  

He prayed for divine guidance and inspired her to show the right path.  She felt weak and wept with anguish.

  Q.5: There is a symbolic touch in the details of this story.  What do you think is the symbol of 'window', 'dusting dust', 'dusty craton and its smell'?

  Answer: Different symbolic words give different meanings, these are:
  The window — the outside world — represents perception. 

 We learn through narrative that the outside world is completely new and unfamiliar to her.  She is comfortable with people she has known for a long time.  

She has accepted her life of misery so well that she does not consider it part of the outside world.  She believes that the world has not accepted her.

  Dust collecting- Dust is lifeless and a sign of finish.  Evelyn lived a life of duty.  She works and pays her father a salary and tries to fulfill the promise made to her mother every day. 

 Evelyn was leading a hopeless and crippling life and surrendered herself to the dust.  

The dust gives a sense of familiarity as it always comes back to her memories, about the house and her mother.  She throws him away and the next moment he comes back again.

  Dusty Cretan and his Odor-Cretan is a heavy cotton fabric with a floral pattern on it.  In the opening scene, readers are told, "His head was tilted against the window curtain and his nostril smelled of dusty cratons."  

The curtains were dusty for a long time as she was the sole caretaker of the house and could not pay.  Great attention to clean every aspect of the house.  

In the same way, she was an inanimate being escaping only to make her family's life easier and ignoring herself like a dusty silton.


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